

This is the main Microsoft365DSC.Reverse function that extracts the DSC configuration from an existing Microsoft 365 Tenant.


This function does not generate any output.


Parameter Required DataType Default Value Allowed Values Description
LaunchWebUI False SwitchParameter Adding this parameter will open the WebUI in a browser.
Path False String Specifies the path in which the exported DSC configuration should be stored.
FileName False String Specifies the name of the file in which the exported DSC configuration should be stored.
ConfigurationName False String Specifies the name of the configuration that will be generated.
Components False String[] Specifies the components for which an export should be created.
Workloads False String[] AAD, SPO, EXO, INTUNE, SC, OD, O365, PLANNER, PP, TEAMS Specifies the workload for which an export should be created for all resources.
Mode False String Default Lite, Default, Full Specifies the mode of the export: Lite, Default or Full.
MaxProcesses False Object Specifies the maximum number of processes that should run simultanious.
GenerateInfo False Boolean Specifies if each exported resource should get a link to the Wiki article of the resource.
Filters False Hashtable Specifies resource level filters to apply in order to reduce the number of instances exported.
ApplicationId False String Specifies the application id to be used for authentication.
TenantId False String Specifies the id of the tenant.
ApplicationSecret False String Specifies the application secret of the application to be used for authentication.
CertificateThumbprint False String Specifies the thumbprint to be used for authentication.
Credential False PSCredential Specifies the credentials to be used for authentication.
CertificatePassword False PSCredential Specifies the password of the PFX file which is used for authentication.
CertificatePath False String Specifies the path of the PFX file which is used for authentication.
ManagedIdentity False SwitchParameter Specifies use of managed identity for authentication.
AccessTokens False String[]
Validate False SwitchParameter Specifies that the configuration needs to be validated for conflicts or issues after its extraction is completed.


-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------

Export-M365DSCConfiguration -Components @("AADApplication", "AADConditionalAccessPolicy", "AADGroupsSettings") -Credential $Credential

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------

Export-M365DSCConfiguration -Mode 'Default' -ApplicationId '2560bb7c-bc85-415f-a799-841e10ec4f9a' -TenantId 'contoso.sharepoint.com' -ApplicationSecret 'abcdefghijkl'

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------

Export-M365DSCConfiguration -Components @("AADApplication", "AADConditionalAccessPolicy", "AADGroupsSettings") -Credential $Credential -Path 'C:\DSC' -FileName 'MyConfig.ps1'

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------

Export-M365DSCConfiguration -Credential $Credential -Filters @{AADApplication = "DisplayName eq 'MyApp'"}