This function creates or updates an application in Azure AD. It assigns permissions, grants consent and creates a secret or uploads a certificate to the application.
This application can then be used for Application Authentication.
The provided permissions have to be as an array of hashtables, with Api=Graph, SharePoint or Exchange and PermissionsName set to a list of permissions. See examples for more information.
NOTE: Please make sure you have the following permissions for the 'Microsoft Graph Command Line Tools' Enterprise Application in your tenant:
- Application.ReadWrite.All
You can add this scope to the 'Microsoft Graph Command Line Tools' Enterprise Application by running the following command:
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes 'Application.ReadWrite.All'
If consent cannot be given for whatever reason, make sure all these permissions are
given Admin Consent by browsing to the App Registration in Azure AD > API Permissions
and clicking the "Grant admin consent for
More information: Graph API permissions: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/permissions-reference Exchange permissions: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/permissions-exo/permissions-exo
Note: If you want to configure App-Only permission for Exchange, as described here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/exchange/app-only-auth-powershell-v2?view=exchange-ps#step-2-assign-api-permissions-to-the-application Using the following permission will achieve exactly that: @{Api='Exchange';PermissionsName='Exchange.ManageAsApp'}
Note 2: If you want to configure App-Only permission for Security and compliance, please refer to this information on how to setup the permissions: https://microsoft365dsc.com/user-guide/get-started/authentication-and-permissions/#security-and-compliance-center-permissions
Note 3: If you want to configure App-Only permission for Power Platform, please refer to this information on how to setup the permissions: https://microsoft365dsc.com/user-guide/get-started/authentication-and-permissions/#power-apps-permissions
This function does not generate any output.
Parameter | Required | DataType | Default Value | Allowed Values | Description |
ApplicationName | False | String | Microsoft365DSC | The name of the application to create or update. Default value is 'Microsoft365DSC'. | |
Permissions | True True | Hashtable[] | The permissions to assign to the application. This has to be an array of hashtables, with Api=Graph, SharePoint or Exchange and PermissionsName set to a list of permissions. See examples for more information. | ||
Type | False | String | Secret | Secret, Certificate | The type of credential to create. Default value is 'Secret'. Valid values are 'Secret' and 'Certificate'. |
MonthsValid | False | Int32 | 12 | The number of months the certificate should be valid. Default value is 12. | |
CreateNewSecret | False | SwitchParameter | If specified, a new secret will be created for the application. -CreateNewSecret or -CertificatePath can be used, not both. | ||
CertificatePath | False | String | The path to the certificate to be uploaded for the app registration. If using with -CreateSelfSignedCertificate - a file with this name will be created and uploaded (file must not exist). Otherwise the file must already exist. Cannot be used with -CreateNewSecret simultaneously. | ||
CreateSelfSignedCertificate | False | SwitchParameter | If specified, a self-signed certificate will be created for the application. -CreateSelfSignedCertificate or -CertificatePath can be used, not both. | ||
AdminConsent | False | SwitchParameter | If specified, admin consent will be granted for the application. | ||
Credential | False | PSCredential | The credential to use for authenticating the request. Mutually exclusive with -TenantId. | ||
ApplicationId | False | String | The ApplicationId to use for authenticating the request. -Credential or -ApplicationId can be used, not both. | ||
TenantId | False | String | The name of the tenant to use for the request. Must be in the form of contoso.onmicrosoft.com. Mutually exclusive with -Credential. | ||
ApplicationSecret | False | PSCredential | The ApplicationSecret to use for authenticating the request. -Credential or -ApplicationSecret can be used, not both. | ||
CertificateThumbprint | False | String | Thumbprint of an existing auth certificate to use for authenticating the request. Mutually exclusive with -Credential. | ||
ManagedIdentity | False | SwitchParameter | If specified, Managed Identity will be used for authenticating the request. -Credential or -ApplicationId or -ManagedIdentity can be used, only one of them. | ||
Message | True | String | |||
Type | False | String | Info | Error, Warning, Info | The type of credential to create. Default value is 'Secret'. Valid values are 'Secret' and 'Certificate'. |
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
Update-M365DSCAzureAdApplication -ApplicationName 'Microsoft365DSC' -Permissions @(@{Api='SharePoint';PermissionName='Sites.FullControl.All'}) -AdminConsent -Type Secret -Credential $creds
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
Update-M365DSCAzureAdApplication -ApplicationName 'Microsoft365DSC' -Permissions @(@{Api='Graph';PermissionName='Domain.Read.All'}) -AdminConsent -Credential $creds -Type Certificate -CreateSelfSignedCertificate -CertificatePath c:\Temp\M365DSC.cer
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------
Update-M365DSCAzureAdApplication -ApplicationName 'Microsoft365DSC' -Permissions @(@{Api='SharePoint';PermissionName='Sites.FullControl.All'},@{Api='Graph';PermissionName='Group.ReadWrite.All'},@{Api='Exchange';PermissionName='Exchange.ManageAsApp'}) -AdminConsent -Credential $creds -Type Certificate -CertificatePath c:\Temp\M365DSC.cer
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------
Update-M365DSCAzureAdApplication -ApplicationName $Microsoft365DSC -Permissions $(Get-M365DSCCompiledPermissionList -ResourceNameList (Get-M365DSCAllResources) -PermissionType Application -AccessType Read) -Type Certificate -CreateSelfSignedCertificate -AdminConsent -MonthsValid 12 -Credential $creds -CertificatePath c:\Temp\M365DSC.cer