

This function creates or updates an application in Azure AD. It assigns permissions, grants consent and creates a secret or uploads a certificate to the application.

This application can then be used for Application Authentication.

The provided permissions have to be as an array of hashtables, with Api=Graph, SharePoint or Exchange and PermissionsName set to a list of permissions. See examples for more information.

NOTE: Please make sure you have the following permissions for the 'Microsoft Graph Command Line Tools' Enterprise Application in your tenant:

  • Application.ReadWrite.All

You can add this scope to the 'Microsoft Graph Command Line Tools' Enterprise Application by running the following command:

Connect-MgGraph -Scopes 'Application.ReadWrite.All'

NOTE: If consent cannot be given for whatever reason, make sure all these permissions are given Admin Consent by browsing to the App Registration in Azure AD > API Permissions and clicking the "Grant admin consent for " button.

More information: Graph API permissions: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/permissions-reference Exchange permissions: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/permissions-exo/permissions-exo

Note: If you want to configure App-Only permission for Exchange, as described here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/exchange/app-only-auth-powershell-v2?view=exchange-ps#step-2-assign-api-permissions-to-the-application Using the following permission will achieve exactly that: @{Api='Exchange';PermissionsName='Exchange.ManageAsApp'}

Note 2: If you want to configure App-Only permission for Security and compliance, please refer to this information on how to setup the permissions: https://microsoft365dsc.com/user-guide/get-started/authentication-and-permissions/#security-and-compliance-center-permissions

Note 3: If you want to configure App-Only permission for Power Platform, please refer to this information on how to setup the permissions: https://microsoft365dsc.com/user-guide/get-started/authentication-and-permissions/#power-apps-permissions


This function does not generate any output.


Parameter Required DataType Default Value Allowed Values Description
ApplicationName False String Microsoft365DSC The name of the application to create or update. Default value is 'Microsoft365DSC'.
Permissions True True Hashtable[] The permissions to assign to the application. This has to be an array of hashtables, with Api=Graph, SharePoint or Exchange and PermissionsName set to a list of permissions. See examples for more information.
Type False String Secret Secret, Certificate The type of credential to create. Default value is 'Secret'. Valid values are 'Secret' and 'Certificate'.
MonthsValid False Int32 12 The number of months the certificate should be valid. Default value is 12.
CreateNewSecret False SwitchParameter If specified, a new secret will be created for the application. -CreateNewSecret or -CertificatePath can be used, not both.
CertificatePath False String The path to the certificate to be uploaded for the app registration. If using with -CreateSelfSignedCertificate - a file with this name will be created and uploaded (file must not exist). Otherwise the file must already exist. Cannot be used with -CreateNewSecret simultaneously.
CreateSelfSignedCertificate False SwitchParameter If specified, a self-signed certificate will be created for the application. -CreateSelfSignedCertificate or -CertificatePath can be used, not both.
AdminConsent False SwitchParameter If specified, admin consent will be granted for the application.
Credential False PSCredential The credential to use for authenticating the request. Mutually exclusive with -TenantId.
ApplicationId False String The ApplicationId to use for authenticating the request. -Credential or -ApplicationId can be used, not both.
TenantId False String The name of the tenant to use for the request. Must be in the form of contoso.onmicrosoft.com. Mutually exclusive with -Credential.
ApplicationSecret False PSCredential The ApplicationSecret to use for authenticating the request. -Credential or -ApplicationSecret can be used, not both.
CertificateThumbprint False String Thumbprint of an existing auth certificate to use for authenticating the request. Mutually exclusive with -Credential.
ManagedIdentity False SwitchParameter If specified, Managed Identity will be used for authenticating the request. -Credential or -ApplicationId or -ManagedIdentity can be used, only one of them.
Message True String
Type False String Info Error, Warning, Info The type of credential to create. Default value is 'Secret'. Valid values are 'Secret' and 'Certificate'.


-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------

Update-M365DSCAzureAdApplication -ApplicationName 'Microsoft365DSC' -Permissions @(@{Api='SharePoint';PermissionName='Sites.FullControl.All'}) -AdminConsent -Type Secret -Credential $creds

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------

Update-M365DSCAzureAdApplication -ApplicationName 'Microsoft365DSC' -Permissions @(@{Api='Graph';PermissionName='Domain.Read.All'}) -AdminConsent -Credential $creds -Type Certificate -CreateSelfSignedCertificate -CertificatePath c:\Temp\M365DSC.cer

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------

Update-M365DSCAzureAdApplication -ApplicationName 'Microsoft365DSC' -Permissions @(@{Api='SharePoint';PermissionName='Sites.FullControl.All'},@{Api='Graph';PermissionName='Group.ReadWrite.All'},@{Api='Exchange';PermissionName='Exchange.ManageAsApp'}) -AdminConsent -Credential $creds -Type Certificate -CertificatePath c:\Temp\M365DSC.cer

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------

Update-M365DSCAzureAdApplication -ApplicationName $Microsoft365DSC -Permissions $(Get-M365DSCCompiledPermissionList -ResourceNameList (Get-M365DSCAllResources) -PermissionType Application -AccessType Read) -Type Certificate -CreateSelfSignedCertificate -AdminConsent -MonthsValid 12 -Credential $creds -CertificatePath c:\Temp\M365DSC.cer