

This function compares a created export with the specified M365DSC Blueprint


This function does not generate any output.


Parameter Required DataType Default Value Allowed Values Description
BluePrintUrl True String Specifies the url to the blueprint to which the tenant should be compared.
OutputReportPath True String Specifies the path of the report that will be created.
Credentials False PSCredential Specifies the credentials that will be used for authentication.
ApplicationId False String Specifies the application id to be used for authentication.
TenantId False String Specifies the id of the tenant.
CertificatePath False String Specifies the path of the PFX file which is used for authentication.
CertificatePassword False PSCredential Specifies the password of the PFX file which is used for authentication.
CertificateThumbprint False String Specifies the thumbprint to be used for authentication.
HeaderFilePath False String Specifies that file that contains a custom header for the report.
Type False String HTML HTML, JSON
ExcludedProperties False String[] Specifies the name of parameters that should not be assessed as part of the report. The names speficied will apply to all resources where they are encountered.
ExcludedResources False String[] Specifies the name of resources that should not be assessed as part of the report.


-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------

Assert-M365DSCBlueprint -BluePrintUrl 'C:\DS\blueprint.m365' -OutputReportPath 'C:\DSC\BlueprintReport.html'

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------

Assert-M365DSCBlueprint -BluePrintUrl 'C:\DS\blueprint.m365' -OutputReportPath 'C:\DSC\BlueprintReport.html' -Credentials $credentials -HeaderFilePath 'C:\DSC\ReportCustomHeader.html'

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------

Assert-M365DSCBlueprint -BluePrintUrl 'C:\DS\blueprint.m365' -OutputReportPath 'C:\DSC\BlueprintReport.html' -ApplicationId $clientid -TenantId $tenantId -CertificateThumbprint $certthumbprint -HeaderFilePath 'C:\DSC\ReportCustomHeader.html'