Parameter | Attribute | DataType | Description | Allowed Values |
Identity | Key | String | The only valid input is Global - the tenant wide configuration | Global |
AllowIPVideo | Write | Boolean | Determines whether video is enabled in a user's meetings or calls. Set this to TRUE to allow guests to share their video. Set this to FALSE to prohibit guests from sharing their video. | |
LiveCaptionsEnabledType | Write | String | Determines whether real-time captions are available for guests in Teams meetings. | Disabled , DisabledUserOverride |
ScreenSharingMode | Write | String | Determines the mode in which guests can share a screen in calls or meetings. Set this to SingleApplication to allow the user to share an application at a given point in time. Set this to EntireScreen to allow the user to share anything on their screens. Set this to Disabled to prohibit the user from sharing their screens. | Disabled , EntireScreen , SingleApplication |
AllowMeetNow | Write | Boolean | Determines whether guests can start ad-hoc meetings. Set this to TRUE to allow guests to start ad-hoc meetings. Set this to FALSE to prohibit guests from starting ad-hoc meetings. | |
AllowTranscription | Write | Boolean | Determines whether guests can enable post-meeting captions and transcriptions in meetings. Set this to TRUE to allow. Set this to FALSE to prohibit. | |
Credential | Write | PSCredential | Credentials of the Teams Admin | |
ApplicationId | Write | String | Id of the Azure Active Directory application to authenticate with. | |
TenantId | Write | String | Name of the Azure Active Directory tenant used for authentication. Format | |
CertificateThumbprint | Write | String | Thumbprint of the Azure Active Directory application's authentication certificate to use for authentication. | |
ManagedIdentity | Write | Boolean | Managed ID being used for authentication. | |
AccessTokens | Write | StringArray[] | Access token used for authentication. |
This resource is used to configure the Teams Guest Meetings Configuration.
More information:
Microsoft Graph¶
To authenticate with the Microsoft Graph API, this resource required the following permissions:
Delegated permissions¶
- None
- None
Application permissions¶
- Organization.Read.All
- Organization.Read.All
Example 1¶
This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on. It is not meant to use as a production baseline.
Configuration Example
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC
node localhost
TeamsGuestMeetingConfiguration 'TeamsGuestMeetingConfiguration'
Identity = 'Global'
AllowIPVideo = $true
LiveCaptionsEnabledType = 'Disabled'
ScreenSharingMode = 'EntireScreen'
AllowMeetNow = $true
AllowTranscription = $true
Credential = $Credscredential