

Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
Identity Key String Identity of the Teams Calling Policy.
Description Write String Description of the Teams Calling Policy.
AllowPrivateCalling Write Boolean Controls all calling capabilities in Teams. Turning this off will turn off all calling functionality in Teams. If you use Skype for Business for calling, this policy will not affect calling functionality in Skype for Business.
AllowVoicemail Write String Enables inbound calls to be routed to voice mail. Valid options are: AlwaysEnabled, AlwaysDisabled, UserOverride. AlwaysEnabled, AlwaysDisabled, UserOverride
AllowCallGroups Write Boolean Enables inbound calls to be routed to call groups.
AllowDelegation Write Boolean Enables inbound calls to be routed to delegates; allows delegates to make outbound calls on behalf of the users for whom they have delegated permissions.
AllowCallForwardingToUser Write Boolean Enables call forwarding or simultaneous ringing of inbound calls to other users in your tenant.
AllowCallForwardingToPhone Write Boolean Enables call forwarding or simultaneous ringing of inbound calls to any phone number.
AllowCallRedirect Write String Setting this parameter provides the ability to configure call redirection capabilities on Teams phones. Enabled, Disabled, UserOverride
AllowSIPDevicesCalling Write Boolean Determines whether the user is allowed to use SIP devices for calling on behalf of a Teams client.
AllowWebPSTNCalling Write Boolean Allows PSTN calling from the Team web client
PreventTollBypass Write Boolean Setting this parameter to True will send calls through PSTN and incur charges rather than going through the network and bypassing the tolls.
BusyOnBusyEnabledType Write String Setting this parameter lets you configure how incoming calls are handled when a user is already in a call or conference or has a call placed on hold. New or incoming calls will be rejected with a busy signal. Valid options are: Enabled, Disabled and Unanswered. Enabled, Disabled, Unanswered, UserOverride
CallRecordingExpirationDays Write UInt32 Sets the expiration of the recorded 1:1 calls.
MusicOnHoldEnabledType Write String Setting this parameter allows you to turn on or turn off music on hold when a PSTN caller is placed on hold. It is turned on by default. Valid options are: Enabled, Disabled, UserOverride. For now setting the value to UserOverride is the same as Enabled. This setting does not apply to call park and SLA boss delegate features. Valid options are: Enabled, Disabled, UserOverride. Enabled, Disabled, UserOverride
SafeTransferEnabled Write String This parameter is not available for use. Valid options are: Enabled, Disabled, UserOverride. Enabled, Disabled, UserOverride
AllowCloudRecordingForCalls Write Boolean Setting this parameter to True will allows 1:1 Calls to be recorded.
AllowTranscriptionforCalling Write Boolean Determines whether post-meeting captions and transcriptions are allowed in a user's meetings. Set this to TRUE to allow. Set this to FALSE to prohibit.
LiveCaptionsEnabledTypeForCalling Write String Determines whether real-time captions are available for the user in Teams meetings. Set this to DisabledUserOverride to allow user to turn on live captions. Set this to Disabled to prohibit. DisabledUserOverride, Disabled
AutoAnswerEnabledType Write String This setting allows the tenant admin to enable or disable the Auto-Answer setting. Valid options are: Enabled, Disabled. Enabled, Disabled
SpamFilteringEnabledType Write String Setting this parameter determines whether calls identified as Spam will be rejected or not (probably). Valid options are: Enabled, Disabled. Enabled, Disabled
Ensure Write String Present ensures the policyexists, absent ensures it is removed. Present, Absent
Credential Write PSCredential Credentials of the Teams Admin.
ApplicationId Write String Id of the Azure Active Directory application to authenticate with.
TenantId Write String Name of the Azure Active Directory tenant used for authentication. Format
CertificateThumbprint Write String Thumbprint of the Azure Active Directory application's authentication certificate to use for authentication.
ManagedIdentity Write Boolean Managed ID being used for authentication.
AccessTokens Write StringArray[] Access token used for authentication.


This resource configures a Teams Calling Policy.

More information:


Microsoft Graph

To authenticate with the Microsoft Graph API, this resource required the following permissions:

Delegated permissions

  • Read

    • None
  • Update

    • None

Application permissions

  • Read

    • Organization.Read.All
  • Update

    • Organization.Read.All


Example 1

This example adds a new Teams Calling Policy.

Configuration Example
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC

    node localhost
        TeamsCallingPolicy 'ConfigureCallingPolicy'
            Identity                   = 'New Calling Policy'
            AllowPrivateCalling        = $false
            AllowVoicemail             = 'UserOverride'
            AllowCallGroups            = $true
            AllowDelegation            = $true
            AllowCallForwardingToUser  = $false
            AllowCallForwardingToPhone = $true
            PreventTollBypass          = $true
            BusyOnBusyEnabledType      = 'Enabled'
            Ensure                     = 'Present'
            Credential                 = $Credscredential