

Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
Name Key String Name for the rule.
Policy Write String Name of the associated policy.
TargetGroups Write StringArray[] The display names of the graoups targeted by the policy.
AccountName Write String The AccountName parameter specifies the account name.
AccountUserName Write String The AccountUserName parameter specifies the account user name.
AllowAppStore Write Boolean The AllowAppStore parameter specifies whether to allow access to the app store on devices.
AllowAssistantWhileLocked Write Boolean The AllowAssistantWhileLocked parameter specifies whether to allow the use of the voice assistant while devices are locked.
AllowConvenienceLogon Write Boolean The AllowConvenienceLogon parameter specifies whether to allow convenience logons on devices.
AllowDiagnosticSubmission Write Boolean The AllowDiagnosticSubmission parameter specifies whether to allow diagnostic submissions from devices.
AllowiCloudBackup Write Boolean The AllowiCloudBackup parameter specifies whether to allow Apple iCloud Backup from devices.
AllowiCloudDocSync Write Boolean The AllowiCloudDocSync parameter specifies whether to allow Apple iCloud Documents & Data sync on devices.
AllowiCloudPhotoSync Write Boolean The AllowiCloudPhotoSync parameter specifies whether to allow Apple iCloud Photos sync on devices.
AllowPassbookWhileLocked Write Boolean The AllowPassbookWhileLocked parameter specifies whether to allow the use of Apple Passbook while devices are locked.
AllowScreenshot Write Boolean The AllowScreenshot parameter specifies whether to allow screenshots on devices.
AllowSimplePassword Write Boolean The AllowSimplePassword parameter specifies whether to allow simple or non-complex passwords on devices.
AllowVideoConferencing Write Boolean The AllowVideoConferencing parameter specifies whether to allow video conferencing on devices.
AllowVoiceAssistant Write Boolean The AllowVoiceAssistant parameter specifies whether to allow using the voice assistant on devices.
AllowVoiceDialing Write Boolean The AllowVoiceDialing parameter specifies whether to allow voice-activated telephone dialing.
AntiVirusSignatureStatus Write UInt32 The AntiVirusSignatureStatus parameter specifies the antivirus signature status.
AntiVirusStatus Write UInt32 The AntiVirusStatus parameter specifies the antivirus status.
AppsRating Write String The AppsRating parameter species the maximum or most restrictive rating of apps that are allowed on devices.
AutoUpdateStatus Write String The AutoUpdateStatus parameter specifies the update settings for devices.
BluetoothEnabled Write Boolean The BluetoothEnabled parameter specifies whether to enable or disable Bluetooth on devices.
CameraEnabled Write Boolean The BluetoothEnabled parameter specifies whether to enable or disable Bluetooth on devices.
EmailAddress Write String The EmailAddress parameter specifies the email address.
EnableRemovableStorage Write Boolean The EnableRemovableStorage parameter specifies whether removable storage can be used by devices.
ExchangeActiveSyncHost Write String The ExchangeActiveSyncHost parameter specifies the Exchange ActiveSync host.
FirewallStatus Write Boolean The FirewallStatus parameter specifies the acceptable firewall status values on devices.
ForceAppStorePassword Write Boolean The ForceAppStorePassword parameter specifies whether to require a password to use the app store on devices.
ForceEncryptedBackup Write Boolean The ForceEncryptedBackup parameter specifies whether to force encrypted backups for devices.
MaxPasswordAttemptsBeforeWipe Write UInt32 The MaxPasswordAttemptsBeforeWipe parameter specifies the number of incorrect password attempts that cause devices to be automatically wiped.
MaxPasswordGracePeriod Write UInt32 The MaxPasswordGracePeriod parameter specifies the length of time users are allowed to reset expired passwords on devices.
MoviesRating Write String The MoviesRating parameter species the maximum or most restrictive rating of movies that are allowed on devices. You specify the country/region rating system to use with the RegionRatings parameter.
PasswordComplexity Write UInt32 The PasswordComplexity parameter specifies the password complexity.
PasswordExpirationDays Write UInt32 The PasswordExpirationDays parameter specifies the number of days that the same password can be used on devices before users are required to change their passwords.
PasswordHistoryCount Write UInt32 The PasswordHistoryCount parameter specifies the minimum number of unique new passwords that are required on devices before an old password can be reused.
PasswordMinComplexChars Write UInt32 The PasswordMinComplexChars parameter specifies the minimum number of complex characters that are required for device passwords. A complex character isn't a letter.
PasswordMinimumLength Write UInt32 The PasswordMinimumLength parameter specifies the minimum number of characters that are required for device passwords.
PasswordQuality Write UInt32 The PasswordQuality parameter specifies the minimum password quality rating that's required for device passwords. Password quality is a numeric scale that indicates the security and complexity of the password. A higher quality value indicates a more secure password.
PasswordRequired Write Boolean The PasswordRequired parameter specifies whether a password is required to access devices.
PasswordTimeout Write String The PasswordTimeout parameter specifies the length of time that devices can be inactive before a password is required to reactivate them.
PhoneMemoryEncrypted Write Boolean The PhoneMemoryEncrypted parameter specifies whether to encrypt the memory on devices.
RegionRatings Write String The RegionRatings parameter specifies the rating system (country/region) to use for movie and television ratings with the MoviesRating and TVShowsRating parameters.
RequireEmailProfile Write Boolean The RequireEmailProfile parameter specifies whether an email profile is required on devices.
SmartScreenEnabled Write Boolean The SmartScreenEnabled parameter specifies whether to requireWindows SmartScreen on devices.
SystemSecurityTLS Write Boolean The SystemSecurityTLS parameter specifies whether TLS encryption is used on devices.
TVShowsRating Write String The TVShowsRating parameter species the maximum or most restrictive rating of television shows that are allowed on devices. You specify the country/region rating system to use with the RegionRatings parameter.
UserAccountControlStatus Write String The UserAccountControlStatus parameter specifies how User Account Control messages are presented on devices.
WLANEnabled Write Boolean The WLANEnabled parameter specifies whether Wi-Fi is enabled devices.
WorkFoldersSyncUrl Write String The WorkFoldersSyncUrl parameter specifies the URL that's used to synchronize company data on devices.
Ensure Write String Present ensures the instance exists, absent ensures it is removed. Absent, Present
Credential Write PSCredential Credentials of the workload's Admin
ApplicationId Write String Id of the Azure Active Directory application to authenticate with.
TenantId Write String Id of the Azure Active Directory tenant used for authentication.
CertificateThumbprint Write String Thumbprint of the Azure Active Directory application's authentication certificate to use for authentication.
ManagedIdentity Write Boolean Managed ID being used for authentication.
AccessTokens Write StringArray[] Access token used for authentication.


This resource configures a Device Configuration Rule in Purview.


Microsoft Graph

To authenticate with the Microsoft Graph API, this resource required the following permissions:

Delegated permissions

  • Read

    • None
  • Update

    • None

Application permissions

  • Read

    • Group.Read.All
  • Update

    • Group.Read.All


Example 1

This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on. It is not meant to use as a production baseline.

Configuration Example


    Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC
    node localhost
        SCDeviceConfigurationRule "MyDeviceConfigurationRule"
            AllowAppStore             = $True;
            AllowAssistantWhileLocked = $True;
            AllowConvenienceLogon     = $True;
            AllowDiagnosticSubmission = $True;
            AllowiCloudBackup         = $True;
            AllowiCloudDocSync        = $True;
            AllowiCloudPhotoSync      = $True;
            AllowPassbookWhileLocked  = $True;
            AllowScreenshot           = $True;
            AllowSimplePassword       = $True;
            AllowVideoConferencing    = $True;
            AllowVoiceAssistant       = $True;
            AllowVoiceDialing         = $True;
            ApplicationId             = $ApplicationId;
            BluetoothEnabled          = $True;
            CameraEnabled             = $True;
            CertificateThumbprint     = $CertificateThumbprint;
            EnableRemovableStorage    = $True;
            Ensure                    = "Present";
            ForceAppStorePassword     = $False;
            ForceEncryptedBackup      = $False;
            Name                      = "MyDeviceConfigurationPolicy{2b18}";
            PasswordRequired          = $False;
            PhoneMemoryEncrypted      = $False;
            Policy                    = "MyDeviceConfigurationPolicy";
            RequireEmailProfile       = $False;
            SmartScreenEnabled        = $False;
            SystemSecurityTLS         = $False;
            TargetGroups              = @("All Company");
            TenantId                  = $TenantId;
            WLANEnabled               = $True;

Example 2

This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on. It is not meant to use as a production baseline.

Configuration Example


    Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC
    node localhost
        SCDeviceConfigurationRule "MyDeviceConfigurationRule"
            AllowAppStore             = $True;
            AllowAssistantWhileLocked = $True;
            AllowConvenienceLogon     = $True;
            AllowDiagnosticSubmission = $True;
            AllowiCloudBackup         = $True;
            AllowiCloudDocSync        = $True;
            AllowiCloudPhotoSync      = $True;
            AllowPassbookWhileLocked  = $True;
            AllowScreenshot           = $True;
            AllowSimplePassword       = $True;
            AllowVideoConferencing    = $True;
            AllowVoiceAssistant       = $False; # Drift
            AllowVoiceDialing         = $True;
            ApplicationId             = $ApplicationId;
            BluetoothEnabled          = $True;
            CameraEnabled             = $True;
            CertificateThumbprint     = $CertificateThumbprint;
            EnableRemovableStorage    = $True;
            Ensure                    = "Present";
            ForceAppStorePassword     = $False;
            ForceEncryptedBackup      = $False;
            Name                      = "MyDeviceConfigurationPolicy{2b18}";
            PasswordRequired          = $False;
            PhoneMemoryEncrypted      = $False;
            Policy                    = "MyDeviceConfigurationPolicy";
            RequireEmailProfile       = $False;
            SmartScreenEnabled        = $False;
            SystemSecurityTLS         = $False;
            TargetGroups              = @("All Company");
            TenantId                  = $TenantId;
            WLANEnabled               = $True;

Example 3

This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on. It is not meant to use as a production baseline.

Configuration Example


    Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC
    node localhost
        SCDeviceConfigurationRule "MyDeviceConfigurationRule"
            ApplicationId             = $ApplicationId;
            CertificateThumbprint     = $CertificateThumbprint;
            Ensure                    = "Absent";
            Name                      = "MyDeviceConfigurationPolicy{2b18}";
            Policy                    = "MyDeviceConfigurationPolicy";
            TenantId                  = $TenantId;