

Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
Name Key String Name of the Rule.
Policy Required String Name of the associated DLP Compliance Policy.
AccessScope Write String The AccessScope parameter specifies a condition for the DLP rule that's based on the access scope of the content. The rule is applied to content that matches the specified access scope. InOrganization, NotInOrganization, None
BlockAccess Write Boolean The BlockAccess parameter specifies an action for the DLP rule that blocks access to the source item when the conditions of the rule are met. $true: Blocks further access to the source item that matched the rule. The owner, author, and site owner can still access the item. $false: Allows access to the source item that matched the rule. This is the default value.
BlockAccessScope Write String The BlockAccessScope parameter specifies the scope of the block access action. All, PerUser, None
Comment Write String The Comment parameter specifies an optional comment. If you specify a value that contains spaces, enclose the value in quotation marks.
AdvancedRule Write String The AdvancedRule parameter uses complex rule syntax that supports multiple AND, OR, and NOT operators and nested groups
ContentContainsSensitiveInformation Write MSFT_SCDLPContainsSensitiveInformation The ContentContainsSensitiveInformation parameter specifies a condition for the rule that's based on a sensitive information type match in content. The rule is applied to content that contains the specified sensitive information type.
ExceptIfContentContainsSensitiveInformation Write MSFT_SCDLPContainsSensitiveInformation The ExceptIfContentContainsSensitiveInformation parameter specifies an exception for the rule that's based on a sensitive information type match in content. The rule isn't applied to content that contains the specified sensitive information type.
ContentPropertyContainsWords Write StringArray[] The ContentPropertyContainsWords parameter specifies a condition for the DLP rule that's based on a property match in content. The rule is applied to content that contains the specified property.
Disabled Write Boolean The Disabled parameter specifies whether the DLP rule is disabled.
GenerateAlert Write StringArray[] The GenerateAlert parameter specifies an action for the DLP rule that notifies the specified users when the conditions of the rule are met.
GenerateIncidentReport Write StringArray[] The GenerateIncidentReport parameter specifies an action for the DLP rule that sends an incident report to the specified users when the conditions of the rule are met.
IncidentReportContent Write StringArray[] The IncidentReportContent parameter specifies the content to include in the report when you use the GenerateIncidentReport parameter. All, Default, DetectionDetails, Detections, DocumentAuthor, DocumentLastModifier, MatchedItem, OriginalContent, RulesMatched, Service, Severity, Title, RetentionLabel, SensitivityLabel
NotifyAllowOverride Write StringArray[] The NotifyAllowOverride parameter specifies the notification override options when the conditions of the rule are met. FalsePositive, WithoutJustification, WithJustification
NotifyEmailCustomText Write String The NotifyEmailCustomText parameter specifies the custom text in the email notification message that's sent to recipients when the conditions of the rule are met.
NotifyPolicyTipCustomText Write String The NotifyPolicyTipCustomText parameter specifies the custom text in the Policy Tip notification message that's shown to recipients when the conditions of the rule are met. The maximum length is 256 characters. HTML tags and tokens (variables) aren't supported.
NotifyUser Write StringArray[] The NotifyUser parameter specifies an action for the DLP rule that notifies the specified users when the conditions of the rule are met.
ReportSeverityLevel Write String The ReportSeverityLevel parameter specifies the severity level of the incident report for content detections based on the rule. Low, Medium, High, None
RuleErrorAction Write String The RuleErrorAction parameter specifies what to do if an error is encountered during the evaluation of the rule. Ignore, RetryThenBlock
Ensure Write String Specify if this rule should exist or not. Present, Absent
Credential Write PSCredential Credentials of the Exchange Global Admin
ApplicationId Write String Id of the Azure Active Directory application to authenticate with.
TenantId Write String Id of the Azure Active Directory tenant used for authentication.
CertificateThumbprint Write String Thumbprint of the Azure Active Directory application's authentication certificate to use for authentication.
CertificatePassword Write PSCredential Username can be made up to anything but password will be used for CertificatePassword
CertificatePath Write String Path to certificate used in service principal usually a PFX file.
AnyOfRecipientAddressContainsWords Write StringArray[] The AnyOfRecipientAddressContainsWords parameter specifies a condition for the DLP rule that looks for words or phrases in recipient email addresses.
AnyOfRecipientAddressMatchesPatterns Write StringArray[] The AnyOfRecipientAddressMatchesPatterns parameter specifies a condition for the DLP rule that looks for text patterns in recipient email addresses by using regular expressions.
RemoveRMSTemplate Write Boolean The RemoveRMSTemplate parameter specifies an action for the DLP rule that removes Office 365 Message Encryption from messages and their attachments.
StopPolicyProcessing Write Boolean The StopPolicyProcessing parameter specifies an action that stops processing more DLP policy rules.
DocumentIsUnsupported Write Boolean The DocumentIsUnsupported parameter specifies a condition for the DLP rule that looks for files that can't be scanned.
ExceptIfDocumentIsUnsupported Write Boolean The ExceptIfDocumentIsUnsupported parameter specifies an exception for the DLP rule that looks for files that can't be scanned.
HasSenderOverride Write Boolean The SenderOverride parameter specifies a condition for the rule that looks for messages where the sender chose to override a DLP policy.
ExceptIfHasSenderOverride Write Boolean The ExceptIfHasSenderOverride parameter specifies an exception for the rule that looks for messages where the sender chose to override a DLP policy.
ProcessingLimitExceeded Write Boolean The ProcessingLimitExceeded parameter specifies a condition for the DLP rule that looks for files where scanning couldn't complete.
ExceptIfProcessingLimitExceeded Write Boolean The ExceptIfProcessingLimitExceeded parameter specifies an exception for the DLP rule that looks for files where scanning couldn't complete.
DocumentIsPasswordProtected Write Boolean The DocumentIsPasswordProtected parameter specifies a condition for the DLP rule that looks for password protected files (because the contents of the file can't be inspected). Password detection only works for Office documents and .zip files.
ExceptIfDocumentIsPasswordProtected Write Boolean The ExceptIfDocumentIsPasswordProtected parameter specifies an exception for the DLP rule that looks for password protected files (because the contents of the file can't be inspected). Password detection only works for Office documents and .zip files.
MessageTypeMatches Write StringArray[] The MessageTypeMatches parameter specifies a condition for the DLP rule that looks for types of SMIME message patterns.
FromScope Write StringArray[] The FromScope parameter specifies wether messages from inside or outside the organisation are in scope for the DLP rule.
ExceptIfFromScope Write StringArray[] The ExceptIfFromScope parameter specifies wether messages from inside or outside the organisation are in scope for the DLP rule.
SubjectContainsWords Write StringArray[] The SubjectContainsWords parameter specifies a condition for the DLP rule that looks for words or phrases in the Subject field of messages. You can specify multiple words or phrases separated by commas.
SubjectMatchesPatterns Write StringArray[] The SubjectMatchesPatterns parameter specifies a condition for the DLP rule that looks for text patterns in the Subject field of messages by using regular expressions.
SubjectOrBodyContainsWords Write StringArray[] The SubjectOrBodyContainsWords parameter specifies a condition for the rule that looks for words in the Subject field or body of messages.
SubjectOrBodyMatchesPatterns Write StringArray[] The SubjectOrBodyMatchesPatterns parameter specifies a condition for the rule that looks for text patterns in the Subject field or body of messages.
ContentCharacterSetContainsWords Write StringArray[] The ContentCharacterSetContainsWords parameter specifies a condition for the rule that looks for character set names in messages. You can specify multiple values separated by commas.
DocumentNameMatchesPatterns Write StringArray[] The DocumentNameMatchesPatterns parameter specifies a condition for the DLP rule that looks for text patterns in the name of message attachments by using regular expressions.
DocumentNameMatchesWords Write StringArray[] The DocumentNameMatchesWords parameter specifies a condition for the DLP rule that looks for words or phrases in the name of message attachments.
ExceptIfAnyOfRecipientAddressContainsWords Write StringArray[] he ExceptIfAnyOfRecipientAddressContainsWords parameter specifies an exception for the DLP rule that looks for words or phrases in recipient email addresses.
ExceptIfAnyOfRecipientAddressMatchesPatterns Write StringArray[] The ExceptIfAnyOfRecipientAddressMatchesPatterns parameter specifies an exception for the DLP rule that looks for text patterns in recipient email addresses by using regular expressions.
ExceptIfContentCharacterSetContainsWords Write StringArray[] The ExceptIfContentCharacterSetContainsWords parameter specifies an exception for the rule that looks for character set names in messages.
ExceptIfContentPropertyContainsWords Write StringArray[] The ExceptIfContentPropertyContainsWords parameter specifies an exception for the DLP rule that's based on a property match in content.
ExceptIfDocumentNameMatchesPatterns Write StringArray[] The ExceptIfDocumentNameMatchesPatterns parameter specifies an exception for the DLP rule that looks for text patterns in the name of message attachments by using regular expressions.
ExceptIfDocumentNameMatchesWords Write StringArray[] The ExceptIfDocumentNameMatchesWords parameter specifies an exception for the DLP rule that looks for words or phrases in the name of message attachments.
ExceptIfFromAddressContainsWords Write StringArray[] The ExceptIfFromAddressContainsWords parameter specifies an exception for the DLP rule that looks for words or phrases in the sender's email address.
ExceptIfFromAddressMatchesPatterns Write StringArray[] The ExceptIfFromAddressMatchesPatterns parameter specifies an exception for the DLP rule that looks for text patterns in the sender's email address by using regular expressions.
FromAddressContainsWords Write StringArray[] The FromAddressContainsWords parameter specifies a condition for the DLP rule that looks for words or phrases in the sender's email address.
FromAddressMatchesPatterns Write StringArray[] The FromAddressMatchesPatterns parameter specifies a condition for the DLP rule that looks for text patterns in the sender's email address by using regular expressions.
ExceptIfMessageTypeMatches Write StringArray[] The ExceptIfMessageTypeMatches parameter specifies an exception for the rule that looks for messages of the specified type.
RecipientDomainIs Write StringArray[] The RecipientDomainIs parameter specifies a condition for the DLP rule that looks for recipients with email addresses in the specified domains.
ExceptIfRecipientDomainIs Write StringArray[] The ExceptIfRecipientDomainIs parameter specifies an exception for the DLP rule that looks for recipients with email addresses in the specified domains.
ExceptIfSenderDomainIs Write StringArray[] The ExceptIfSenderDomainIs parameter specifies an exception for the DLP rule that looks for messages from senders with email address in the specified domains.
ExceptIfSenderIPRanges Write StringArray[] The ExceptIfSenderIpRanges parameter specifies an exception for the DLP rule that looks for senders whose IP addresses matches the specified value, or fall within the specified ranges.
ExceptIfSentTo Write StringArray[] The ExceptIfSentTo parameter specifies an exception for the DLP rule that looks for recipients in messages. You identify the recipients by email address.
ExceptIfSubjectContainsWords Write StringArray[] The ExceptIfSubjectContainsWords parameter specifies an exception for the DLP rule that looks for words or phrases in the Subject field of messages.
ExceptIfSubjectMatchesPatterns Write StringArray[] The ExceptIfSubjectMatchesPatterns parameter specifies an exception for the DLP rule that looks for text patterns in the Subject field of messages by using regular expressions.
ExceptIfSubjectOrBodyContainsWords Write StringArray[] The ExceptIfSubjectOrBodyContainsWords parameter specifies an exception for the rule that looks for words in the Subject field or body of messages.
ExceptIfSubjectOrBodyMatchesPatterns Write StringArray[] The ExceptIfSubjectOrBodyMatchesPatterns parameter specifies an exception for the rule that looks for text patterns in the Subject field or body of messages.
DocumentContainsWords Write StringArray[] The DocumentContainsWords parameter specifies a condition for the DLP rule that looks for words in message attachments. Only supported attachment types are checked.
SentToMemberOf Write StringArray[] The SentToMemberOf parameter specifies a condition for the DLP rule that looks for messages sent to members of distribution groups, dynamic distribution groups, or mail-enabled security groups.
ContentIsNotLabeled Write Boolean The ContentIsNotLabeled parameter specifies if the content is labeled. A True or False condition.
SetHeader Write StringArray[] The SetHeader The SetHeader parameter specifies an action for the DLP rule that adds or modifies a header field and value in the message header. You can specify multiple header name and value pairs separated by commas
ContentExtensionMatchesWords Write StringArray[] The ContentExtensionMatchesWords parameter specifies a condition for the DLP rule that looks for words in file name extensions. You can specify multiple words separated by commas.
ExceptIfContentExtensionMatchesWords Write StringArray[] The ExceptIfContentExtensionMatchesWords parameter specifies an exception for the DLP rule that looks for words in file name extensions. You can specify multiple words separated by commas.
AccessTokens Write StringArray[] Access token used for authentication.



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
name Required String Name of the Sensitive Information Content
id Write String Id of the Sensitive Information Content
maxconfidence Write String Maximum Confidence level value for the Sensitive Information
minconfidence Write String Minimum Confidence level value for the Sensitive Information
classifiertype Write String Type of Classifier value for the Sensitive Information
mincount Write String Minimum Count value for the Sensitive Information
maxcount Write String Maximum Count value for the Sensitive Information



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
name Required String Name of the Sensitive Label
id Write String Id of the Sensitive Information label
type Write String Type of the Sensitive Information label



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
SensitiveInformation Write MSFT_SCDLPSensitiveInformation[] Sensitive Information Content Types
Labels Write MSFT_SCDLPLabel[] Sensitive Information Labels
Name Required String Name of the group
Operator Required String Operator And, Or



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
SensitiveInformation Write MSFT_SCDLPSensitiveInformation[] Sensitive Information Content Types
Groups Write MSFT_SCDLPContainsSensitiveInformationGroup[] Groups of sensitive information types.
Operator Write String Operator And, Or


This resource configures a Data Loss Prevention Compliance Rule in Security and Compliance Center.


Microsoft Graph

To authenticate with the Microsoft Graph API, this resource required the following permissions:

Delegated permissions

  • Read

    • None
  • Update

    • None

Application permissions

  • Read

    • None
  • Update

    • None


Example 1

This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on. It is not meant to use as a production baseline.

Configuration Example
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC

    node localhost
        SCDLPComplianceRule 'ConfigureDLPComplianceRule'
            Name                                = 'Low volume EU Sensitive content found'
            Policy                              = 'General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)'
            AccessScope                         = 'InOrganization'
            BlockAccess                         = $True
            BlockAccessScope                    = 'All'
            AdvancedRule                        = "`"{\r\n  \`"Version\`": \`"1.0\`",\r\n  \`"Condition\`": {\r\n    \`"Operator\`": \`"And\`",\r\n    \`"SubConditions\`": [\r\n      {\r\n        \`"ConditionName\`": \`"AccessScope\`",\r\n        \`"Value\`": \`"InOrganization\`"\r\n      },\r\n      {\r\n        \`"ConditionName\`": \`"ContentContainsSensitiveInformation\`",\r\n        \`"Value\`": {\r\n          \`"maxconfidence\`": \`"100\`",\r\n          \`"name\`": \`"EU Debit Card Number\`",\r\n          \`"maxcount\`": \`"9\`",\r\n          \`"minconfidence\`": \`"75\`",\r\n          \`"classifiertype\`": \`"Content\`",\r\n          \`"mincount\`": \`"1\`",\r\n          \`"confidencelevel\`": \`"Medium\`"\r\n        }\r\n      }\r\n    ]\r\n  }\r\n}`"";
            ContentContainsSensitiveInformation = MSFT_SCDLPContainsSensitiveInformation
                SensitiveInformation = @(
                        name           = 'EU Debit Card Number'
                        id             = '0e9b3178-9678-47dd-a509-37222ca96b42'
                        maxconfidence  = '100'
                        minconfidence  = '75'
                        classifiertype = 'Content'
                        mincount       = '1'
                        maxcount       = '9'
            Disabled                            = $False
            DocumentIsPasswordProtected         = $False
            DocumentIsUnsupported               = $False
            ExceptIfDocumentIsPasswordProtected = $False
            ExceptIfDocumentIsUnsupported       = $False
            ExceptIfHasSenderOverride           = $False
            ExceptIfProcessingLimitExceeded     = $False
            GenerateIncidentReport              = @('SiteAdmin')
            HasSenderOverride                   = $False
            IncidentReportContent               = @('DocumentLastModifier', 'Detections', 'Severity', 'DetectionDetails', 'OriginalContent')
            NotifyUser                          = @('LastModifier')
            ProcessingLimitExceeded             = $False
            RemoveRMSTemplate                   = $False
            ReportSeverityLevel                 = 'Low'
            StopPolicyProcessing                = $False
            Ensure                              = 'Present'
            Credential                          = $Credscredential