

Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
Description Write String Policy description
DisplayName Key String Policy name
RoleScopeTagIds Write StringArray[] List of Scope Tags for this Entity instance.
Id Write String The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
DeviceSettings Write MSFT_MicrosoftGraphIntuneSettingsCatalogDeviceSettings_IntuneSecurityBaselineMicrosoft365AppsForEnterprise The policy settings for the device scope
UserSettings Write MSFT_MicrosoftGraphIntuneSettingsCatalogUserSettings_IntuneSecurityBaselineMicrosoft365AppsForEnterprise The policy settings for the user scope
Assignments Write MSFT_DeviceManagementConfigurationPolicyAssignments[] Represents the assignment to the Intune policy.
Ensure Write String Present ensures the policy exists, absent ensures it is removed. Present, Absent
Credential Write PSCredential Credentials of the Admin
ApplicationId Write String Id of the Azure Active Directory application to authenticate with.
TenantId Write String Id of the Azure Active Directory tenant used for authentication.
ApplicationSecret Write PSCredential Secret of the Azure Active Directory tenant used for authentication.
CertificateThumbprint Write String Thumbprint of the Azure Active Directory application's authentication certificate to use for authentication.
ManagedIdentity Write Boolean Managed ID being used for authentication.
AccessTokens Write StringArray[] Access token used for authentication.



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
dataType Write String The type of the target assignment. #microsoft.graph.groupAssignmentTarget, #microsoft.graph.allLicensedUsersAssignmentTarget, #microsoft.graph.allDevicesAssignmentTarget, #microsoft.graph.exclusionGroupAssignmentTarget, #microsoft.graph.configurationManagerCollectionAssignmentTarget
deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterType Write String The type of filter of the target assignment i.e. Exclude or Include. Possible values are:none, include, exclude. none, include, exclude
deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterId Write String The Id of the filter for the target assignment.
groupId Write String The group Id that is the target of the assignment.
groupDisplayName Write String The group Display Name that is the target of the assignment.
collectionId Write String The collection Id that is the target of the assignment.(ConfigMgr)



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
Pol_SecGuide_A001_Block_Flash Write String Block Flash activation in Office documents (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
Pol_SecGuide_Block_Flash Write String Block Flash player in Office (Device) - Depends on Pol_SecGuide_A001_Block_Flash (block all flash activation: Block all activation, block embedded flash activation only: Block embedding/linking, allow other activation, allow all flash activation: Allow all activation) block all flash activation, block embedded flash activation only, allow all flash activation
Pol_SecGuide_Legacy_JScript Write String Restrict legacy JScript execution for Office (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
POL_SG_powerpnt Write SInt32 PowerPoint: (Device) - Depends on Pol_SecGuide_Legacy_JScript
POL_SG_onenote Write SInt32 OneNote: (Device) - Depends on Pol_SecGuide_Legacy_JScript
POL_SG_mspub Write SInt32 Publisher: (Device) - Depends on Pol_SecGuide_Legacy_JScript
POL_SG_msaccess Write SInt32 Access: (Device) - Depends on Pol_SecGuide_Legacy_JScript
POL_SG_winproj Write SInt32 Project: (Device) - Depends on Pol_SecGuide_Legacy_JScript
POL_SG_visio Write SInt32 Visio: (Device) - Depends on Pol_SecGuide_Legacy_JScript
POL_SG_outlook Write SInt32 Outlook: (Device) - Depends on Pol_SecGuide_Legacy_JScript
POL_SG_winword Write SInt32 Word: (Device) - Depends on Pol_SecGuide_Legacy_JScript
POL_SG_excel Write SInt32 Excel: (Device) - Depends on Pol_SecGuide_Legacy_JScript
L_PolicyEnableSIPHighSecurityMode Write String Configure SIP security mode (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_PolicyDisableHttpConnect Write String Disable HTTP fallback for SIP connection (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_AddonManagement Write String Add-on Management (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_powerpntexe17 Write String powerpnt.exe (Device) - Depends on L_AddonManagement (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_excelexe15 Write String excel.exe (Device) - Depends on L_AddonManagement (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_visioexe19 Write String visio.exe (Device) - Depends on L_AddonManagement (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_onenoteexe26 Write String onent.exe (Device) - Depends on L_AddonManagement (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_outlookexe22 Write String outlook.exe (Device) - Depends on L_AddonManagement (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_pptviewexe18 Write String pptview.exe (Device) - Depends on L_AddonManagement (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_winwordexe21 Write String winword.exe (Device) - Depends on L_AddonManagement (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_exprwdexe24 Write String exprwd.exe (Device) - Depends on L_AddonManagement (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_spdesignexe23 Write String spDesign.exe (Device) - Depends on L_AddonManagement (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_winprojexe20 Write String winproj.exe (Device) - Depends on L_AddonManagement (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_grooveexe14 Write String groove.exe (Device) - Depends on L_AddonManagement (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_mspubexe16 Write String mspub.exe (Device) - Depends on L_AddonManagement (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_mse7exe27 Write String mse7.exe (Device) - Depends on L_AddonManagement (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_msaccessexe25 Write String msaccess.exe (Device) - Depends on L_AddonManagement (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_ConsistentMimeHandling Write String Consistent Mime Handling (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_excelexe43 Write String excel.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ConsistentMimeHandling (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_spdesignexe51 Write String spDesign.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ConsistentMimeHandling (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_onenoteexe54 Write String onent.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ConsistentMimeHandling (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_outlookexe50 Write String outlook.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ConsistentMimeHandling (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_pptviewexe46 Write String pptview.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ConsistentMimeHandling (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_mspubexe44 Write String mspub.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ConsistentMimeHandling (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_visioexe47 Write String visio.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ConsistentMimeHandling (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_winprojexe48 Write String winproj.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ConsistentMimeHandling (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_msaccessexe53 Write String msaccess.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ConsistentMimeHandling (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_powerpntexe45 Write String powerpnt.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ConsistentMimeHandling (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_grooveexe42 Write String groove.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ConsistentMimeHandling (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_mse7exe55 Write String mse7.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ConsistentMimeHandling (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_winwordexe49 Write String winword.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ConsistentMimeHandling (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_exprwdexe52 Write String exprwd.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ConsistentMimeHandling (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_Disableusernameandpassword Write String Disable user name and password (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_excelexe127 Write String excel.exe (Device) - Depends on L_Disableusernameandpassword (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_grooveexe126 Write String groove.exe (Device) - Depends on L_Disableusernameandpassword (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_onenoteexe138 Write String onent.exe (Device) - Depends on L_Disableusernameandpassword (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_mse7exe139 Write String mse7.exe (Device) - Depends on L_Disableusernameandpassword (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_mspubexe128 Write String mspub.exe (Device) - Depends on L_Disableusernameandpassword (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_visioexe131 Write String visio.exe (Device) - Depends on L_Disableusernameandpassword (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_exprwdexe136 Write String exprwd.exe (Device) - Depends on L_Disableusernameandpassword (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_msaccessexe137 Write String msaccess.exe (Device) - Depends on L_Disableusernameandpassword (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_spdesignexe135 Write String spDesign.exe (Device) - Depends on L_Disableusernameandpassword (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_winwordexe133 Write String winword.exe (Device) - Depends on L_Disableusernameandpassword (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_powerpntexe129 Write String powerpnt.exe (Device) - Depends on L_Disableusernameandpassword (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_outlookexe134 Write String outlook.exe (Device) - Depends on L_Disableusernameandpassword (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_winprojexe132 Write String winproj.exe (Device) - Depends on L_Disableusernameandpassword (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_pptviewexe130 Write String pptview.exe (Device) - Depends on L_Disableusernameandpassword (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_Informationbar Write String Information Bar (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_excelexe113 Write String excel.exe (Device) - Depends on L_Informationbar (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_mspubexe114 Write String mspub.exe (Device) - Depends on L_Informationbar (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_msaccessexe123 Write String msaccess.exe (Device) - Depends on L_Informationbar (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_onenoteexe124 Write String onent.exe (Device) - Depends on L_Informationbar (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_outlookexe120 Write String outlook.exe (Device) - Depends on L_Informationbar (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_winprojexe118 Write String winproj.exe (Device) - Depends on L_Informationbar (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_powerpntexe115 Write String powerpnt.exe (Device) - Depends on L_Informationbar (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_spdesignexe121 Write String spDesign.exe (Device) - Depends on L_Informationbar (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_grooveexe112 Write String groove.exe (Device) - Depends on L_Informationbar (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_visioexe117 Write String visio.exe (Device) - Depends on L_Informationbar (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_mse7exe125 Write String mse7.exe (Device) - Depends on L_Informationbar (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_winwordexe119 Write String winword.exe (Device) - Depends on L_Informationbar (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_exprwdexe122 Write String exprwd.exe (Device) - Depends on L_Informationbar (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_pptviewexe116 Write String pptview.exe (Device) - Depends on L_Informationbar (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_LocalMachineZoneLockdownSecurity Write String Local Machine Zone Lockdown Security (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_mse7exe41 Write String mse7.exe (Device) - Depends on L_LocalMachineZoneLockdownSecurity (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_powerpntexe31 Write String powerpnt.exe (Device) - Depends on L_LocalMachineZoneLockdownSecurity (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_mspubexe30 Write String mspub.exe (Device) - Depends on L_LocalMachineZoneLockdownSecurity (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_outlookexe36 Write String outlook.exe (Device) - Depends on L_LocalMachineZoneLockdownSecurity (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_pptviewexe32 Write String pptview.exe (Device) - Depends on L_LocalMachineZoneLockdownSecurity (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_excelexe29 Write String excel.exe (Device) - Depends on L_LocalMachineZoneLockdownSecurity (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_exprwdexe38 Write String exprwd.exe (Device) - Depends on L_LocalMachineZoneLockdownSecurity (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_grooveexe28 Write String groove.exe (Device) - Depends on L_LocalMachineZoneLockdownSecurity (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_winwordexe35 Write String winword.exe (Device) - Depends on L_LocalMachineZoneLockdownSecurity (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_msaccessexe39 Write String msaccess.exe (Device) - Depends on L_LocalMachineZoneLockdownSecurity (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_spdesignexe37 Write String spDesign.exe (Device) - Depends on L_LocalMachineZoneLockdownSecurity (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_visioexe33 Write String visio.exe (Device) - Depends on L_LocalMachineZoneLockdownSecurity (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_onenoteexe40 Write String onent.exe (Device) - Depends on L_LocalMachineZoneLockdownSecurity (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_winprojexe34 Write String winproj.exe (Device) - Depends on L_LocalMachineZoneLockdownSecurity (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_MimeSniffingSafetyFature Write String Mime Sniffing Safety Feature (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_powerpntexe59 Write String powerpnt.exe (Device) - Depends on L_MimeSniffingSafetyFature (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_exprwdexe66 Write String exprwd.exe (Device) - Depends on L_MimeSniffingSafetyFature (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_grooveexe56 Write String groove.exe (Device) - Depends on L_MimeSniffingSafetyFature (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_visioexe61 Write String visio.exe (Device) - Depends on L_MimeSniffingSafetyFature (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_outlookexe64 Write String outlook.exe (Device) - Depends on L_MimeSniffingSafetyFature (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_mspubexe58 Write String mspub.exe (Device) - Depends on L_MimeSniffingSafetyFature (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_mse7exe69 Write String mse7.exe (Device) - Depends on L_MimeSniffingSafetyFature (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_msaccessexe67 Write String msaccess.exe (Device) - Depends on L_MimeSniffingSafetyFature (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_pptviewexe60 Write String pptview.exe (Device) - Depends on L_MimeSniffingSafetyFature (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_winprojexe62 Write String winproj.exe (Device) - Depends on L_MimeSniffingSafetyFature (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_spdesignexe65 Write String spDesign.exe (Device) - Depends on L_MimeSniffingSafetyFature (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_onenoteexe68 Write String onent.exe (Device) - Depends on L_MimeSniffingSafetyFature (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_winwordexe63 Write String winword.exe (Device) - Depends on L_MimeSniffingSafetyFature (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_excelexe57 Write String excel.exe (Device) - Depends on L_MimeSniffingSafetyFature (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_NavigateURL Write String Navigate URL (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_spdesignexe177 Write String spDesign.exe (Device) - Depends on L_NavigateURL (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_onenoteexe180 Write String onent.exe (Device) - Depends on L_NavigateURL (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_pptviewexe172 Write String pptview.exe (Device) - Depends on L_NavigateURL (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_outlookexe176 Write String outlook.exe (Device) - Depends on L_NavigateURL (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_winprojexe174 Write String winproj.exe (Device) - Depends on L_NavigateURL (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_msaccessexe179 Write String msaccess.exe (Device) - Depends on L_NavigateURL (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_winwordexe175 Write String winword.exe (Device) - Depends on L_NavigateURL (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_excelexe169 Write String excel.exe (Device) - Depends on L_NavigateURL (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_mspubexe170 Write String mspub.exe (Device) - Depends on L_NavigateURL (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_exprwdexe178 Write String exprwd.exe (Device) - Depends on L_NavigateURL (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_powerpntexe171 Write String powerpnt.exe (Device) - Depends on L_NavigateURL (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_visioexe173 Write String visio.exe (Device) - Depends on L_NavigateURL (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_mse7exe181 Write String mse7.exe (Device) - Depends on L_NavigateURL (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_grooveexe168 Write String groove.exe (Device) - Depends on L_NavigateURL (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_ObjectCachingProtection Write String Object Caching Protection (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_winwordexe77 Write String winword.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ObjectCachingProtection (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_powerpntexe73 Write String powerpnt.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ObjectCachingProtection (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_spdesignexe79 Write String spDesign.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ObjectCachingProtection (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_mse7exe83 Write String mse7.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ObjectCachingProtection (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_mspubexe72 Write String mspub.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ObjectCachingProtection (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_msaccessexe81 Write String msaccess.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ObjectCachingProtection (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_onenoteexe82 Write String onent.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ObjectCachingProtection (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_outlookexe78 Write String outlook.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ObjectCachingProtection (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_grooveexe70 Write String groove.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ObjectCachingProtection (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_excelexe71 Write String excel.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ObjectCachingProtection (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_visioexe75 Write String visio.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ObjectCachingProtection (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_pptviewexe74 Write String pptview.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ObjectCachingProtection (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_winprojexe76 Write String winproj.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ObjectCachingProtection (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_exprwdexe80 Write String exprwd.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ObjectCachingProtection (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_ProtectionFromZoneElevation Write String Protection From Zone Elevation (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_mspubexe100 Write String mspub.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ProtectionFromZoneElevation (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_visioexe103 Write String visio.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ProtectionFromZoneElevation (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_powerpntexe101 Write String powerpnt.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ProtectionFromZoneElevation (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_excelexe99 Write String excel.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ProtectionFromZoneElevation (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_mse7exe111 Write String mse7.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ProtectionFromZoneElevation (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_winwordexe105 Write String winword.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ProtectionFromZoneElevation (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_exprwdexe108 Write String exprwd.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ProtectionFromZoneElevation (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_msaccessexe109 Write String msaccess.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ProtectionFromZoneElevation (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_spdesignexe107 Write String spDesign.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ProtectionFromZoneElevation (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_onenoteexe110 Write String onent.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ProtectionFromZoneElevation (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_pptviewexe102 Write String pptview.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ProtectionFromZoneElevation (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_winprojexe104 Write String winproj.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ProtectionFromZoneElevation (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_grooveexe98 Write String groove.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ProtectionFromZoneElevation (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_outlookexe106 Write String outlook.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ProtectionFromZoneElevation (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_RestrictActiveXInstall Write String Restrict ActiveX Install (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_mse7exe Write String mse7.exe (Device) - Depends on L_RestrictActiveXInstall (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_powerpntexe Write String powerpnt.exe (Device) - Depends on L_RestrictActiveXInstall (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_spDesignexe Write String spDesign.exe (Device) - Depends on L_RestrictActiveXInstall (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_onenoteexe Write String onent.exe (Device) - Depends on L_RestrictActiveXInstall (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_excelexe Write String excel.exe (Device) - Depends on L_RestrictActiveXInstall (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_mspubexe Write String mspub.exe (Device) - Depends on L_RestrictActiveXInstall (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_visioexe Write String visio.exe (Device) - Depends on L_RestrictActiveXInstall (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_exprwdexe Write String exprwd.exe (Device) - Depends on L_RestrictActiveXInstall (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_outlookexe Write String outlook.exe (Device) - Depends on L_RestrictActiveXInstall (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_pptviewexe Write String pptview.exe (Device) - Depends on L_RestrictActiveXInstall (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_winprojexe Write String winproj.exe (Device) - Depends on L_RestrictActiveXInstall (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_winwordexe Write String winword.exe (Device) - Depends on L_RestrictActiveXInstall (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_grooveexe Write String groove.exe (Device) - Depends on L_RestrictActiveXInstall (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_msaccessexe Write String msaccess.exe (Device) - Depends on L_RestrictActiveXInstall (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_RestrictFileDownload Write String Restrict File Download (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_visioexe5 Write String visio.exe (Device) - Depends on L_RestrictFileDownload (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_winprojexe6 Write String winproj.exe (Device) - Depends on L_RestrictFileDownload (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_msaccessexe11 Write String msaccess.exe (Device) - Depends on L_RestrictFileDownload (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_spdesignexe9 Write String spDesign.exe (Device) - Depends on L_RestrictFileDownload (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_excelexe1 Write String excel.exe (Device) - Depends on L_RestrictFileDownload (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_powerpntexe3 Write String powerpnt.exe (Device) - Depends on L_RestrictFileDownload (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_mspubexe2 Write String mspub.exe (Device) - Depends on L_RestrictFileDownload (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_exprwdexe10 Write String exprwd.exe (Device) - Depends on L_RestrictFileDownload (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_outlookexe8 Write String outlook.exe (Device) - Depends on L_RestrictFileDownload (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_pptviewexe4 Write String pptview.exe (Device) - Depends on L_RestrictFileDownload (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_winwordexe7 Write String winword.exe (Device) - Depends on L_RestrictFileDownload (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_onenoteexe12 Write String onent.exe (Device) - Depends on L_RestrictFileDownload (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_mse7exe13 Write String mse7.exe (Device) - Depends on L_RestrictFileDownload (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_grooveexe0 Write String groove.exe (Device) - Depends on L_RestrictFileDownload (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_SavedfromURL Write String Saved from URL (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_pptviewexe158 Write String pptview.exe (Device) - Depends on L_SavedfromURL (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_exprwdexe164 Write String exprwd.exe (Device) - Depends on L_SavedfromURL (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_mse7exe167 Write String mse7.exe (Device) - Depends on L_SavedfromURL (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_spdesignexe163 Write String spDesign.exe (Device) - Depends on L_SavedfromURL (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_winprojexe160 Write String winproj.exe (Device) - Depends on L_SavedfromURL (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_mspubexe156 Write String mspub.exe (Device) - Depends on L_SavedfromURL (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_visioexe159 Write String visio.exe (Device) - Depends on L_SavedfromURL (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_winwordexe161 Write String winword.exe (Device) - Depends on L_SavedfromURL (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_msaccessexe165 Write String msaccess.exe (Device) - Depends on L_SavedfromURL (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_onenoteexe166 Write String onent.exe (Device) - Depends on L_SavedfromURL (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_outlookexe162 Write String outlook.exe (Device) - Depends on L_SavedfromURL (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_grooveexe154 Write String groove.exe (Device) - Depends on L_SavedfromURL (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_excelexe155 Write String excel.exe (Device) - Depends on L_SavedfromURL (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_powerpntexe157 Write String powerpnt.exe (Device) - Depends on L_SavedfromURL (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_ScriptedWindowSecurityRestrictions Write String Scripted Window Security Restrictions (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_exprwdexe94 Write String exprwd.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ScriptedWindowSecurityRestrictions (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_mse7exe97 Write String mse7.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ScriptedWindowSecurityRestrictions (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_mspubexe86 Write String mspub.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ScriptedWindowSecurityRestrictions (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_outlookexe92 Write String outlook.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ScriptedWindowSecurityRestrictions (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_msaccessexe95 Write String msaccess.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ScriptedWindowSecurityRestrictions (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_powerpntexe87 Write String powerpnt.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ScriptedWindowSecurityRestrictions (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_grooveexe84 Write String groove.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ScriptedWindowSecurityRestrictions (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_excelexe85 Write String excel.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ScriptedWindowSecurityRestrictions (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_pptviewexe88 Write String pptview.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ScriptedWindowSecurityRestrictions (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_spdesignexe93 Write String spDesign.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ScriptedWindowSecurityRestrictions (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_visioexe89 Write String visio.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ScriptedWindowSecurityRestrictions (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_onenoteexe96 Write String onent.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ScriptedWindowSecurityRestrictions (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_winprojexe90 Write String winproj.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ScriptedWindowSecurityRestrictions (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_winwordexe91 Write String winword.exe (Device) - Depends on L_ScriptedWindowSecurityRestrictions (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
MicrosoftAccess_Security_TrustCenter_L_BlockMacroExecutionFromInternet Write String Block macros from running in Office files from the Internet (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftAccess_Security_TrustCenter_L_DisableTrustBarNotificationforunsigned Write String Disable Trust Bar Notification for unsigned application add-ins and block them (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftAccess_Security_TrustCenter_L_RequirethatApplicationExtensionsaresigned Write String Require that application add-ins are signed by Trusted Publisher (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftAccess_Security_TrustCenterTrustedLocations_L_AllowTrustedLocationsOnTheNetwork Write String Allow Trusted Locations on the network (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftAccess_Security_TrustCenter_L_VBAWarningsPolicy Write String VBA Macro Notification Settings (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftAccess_Security_TrustCenter_L_VBAWarningsPolicy_L_Empty Write String - Depends on MicrosoftAccess_Security_TrustCenter_L_VBAWarningsPolicy (2: Disable all with notification, 3: Disable all except digitally signed macros, 4: Disable all without notification, 1: Enable all macros (not recommended)) 2, 3, 4, 1
L_Donotshowdataextractionoptionswhenopeningcorruptworkbooks Write String Do not show data extraction options when opening corrupt workbooks (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_Asktoupdateautomaticlinks Write String Ask to update automatic links (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_LoadpicturesfromWebpagesnotcreatedinExcel Write String Load pictures from Web pages not created in Excel (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_DisableAutoRepublish Write String Disable AutoRepublish (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_DoNotShowAutoRepublishWarningAlert Write String Do not show AutoRepublish warning alert (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_Forcefileextenstionstomatch Write String Force file extension to match file type (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_Forcefileextenstionstomatch_L_Empty Write String - Depends on L_Forcefileextenstionstomatch (0: Allow different, 1: Allow different, but warn, 2: Always match file type) 0, 1, 2
L_DeterminewhethertoforceencryptedExcel Write String Scan encrypted macros in Excel Open XML workbooks (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_DeterminewhethertoforceencryptedExcelDropID Write String - Depends on L_DeterminewhethertoforceencryptedExcel (0: Scan encrypted macros (default), 1: Scan if anti-virus software available, 2: Load macros without scanning) 0, 1, 2
L_BlockXLLFromInternet Write String Block Excel XLL Add-ins that come from an untrusted source (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_BlockXLLFromInternetEnum Write String - Depends on L_BlockXLLFromInternet (1: Block, 0: Show Additional Warning, 2: Allow) 1, 0, 2
MicrosoftExcel_Security_TrustCenter_L_BlockMacroExecutionFromInternet Write String Block macros from running in Office files from the Internet (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftExcel_Security_TrustCenter_L_DisableTrustBarNotificationforunsigned Write String Disable Trust Bar Notification for unsigned application add-ins and block them (User) (Deprecated) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_EnableBlockUnsecureQueryFiles Write String Always prevent untrusted Microsoft Query files from opening (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_DBaseIIIANDIVFiles Write String dBase III / IV files (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_DBaseIIIANDIVFilesDropID Write String File block setting: (User) - Depends on L_DBaseIIIANDIVFiles (0: Do not block, 2: Open/Save blocked, use open policy) 0, 2
L_DifAndSylkFiles Write String Dif and Sylk files (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_DifAndSylkFilesDropID Write String File block setting: (User) - Depends on L_DifAndSylkFiles (0: Do not block, 1: Save blocked, 2: Open/Save blocked, use open policy) 0, 1, 2
L_Excel2MacrosheetsAndAddInFiles Write String Excel 2 macrosheets and add-in files (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_Excel2MacrosheetsAndAddInFilesDropID Write String File block setting: (User) - Depends on L_Excel2MacrosheetsAndAddInFiles (0: Do not block, 2: Open/Save blocked, use open policy, 3: Block, 4: Open in Protected View, 5: Allow editing and open in Protected View) 0, 2, 3, 4, 5
L_Excel2Worksheets Write String Excel 2 worksheets (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_Excel2WorksheetsDropID Write String File block setting: (User) - Depends on L_Excel2Worksheets (0: Do not block, 2: Open/Save blocked, use open policy, 3: Block, 4: Open in Protected View, 5: Allow editing and open in Protected View) 0, 2, 3, 4, 5
L_Excel3MacrosheetsAndAddInFiles Write String Excel 3 macrosheets and add-in files (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_Excel3MacrosheetsAndAddInFilesDropID Write String File block setting: (User) - Depends on L_Excel3MacrosheetsAndAddInFiles (0: Do not block, 2: Open/Save blocked, use open policy, 3: Block, 4: Open in Protected View, 5: Allow editing and open in Protected View) 0, 2, 3, 4, 5
L_Excel3Worksheets Write String Excel 3 worksheets (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_Excel3WorksheetsDropID Write String File block setting: (User) - Depends on L_Excel3Worksheets (0: Do not block, 2: Open/Save blocked, use open policy, 3: Block, 4: Open in Protected View, 5: Allow editing and open in Protected View) 0, 2, 3, 4, 5
L_Excel4MacrosheetsAndAddInFiles Write String Excel 4 macrosheets and add-in files (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_Excel4MacrosheetsAndAddInFilesDropID Write String File block setting: (User) - Depends on L_Excel4MacrosheetsAndAddInFiles (0: Do not block, 2: Open/Save blocked, use open policy, 3: Block, 4: Open in Protected View, 5: Allow editing and open in Protected View) 0, 2, 3, 4, 5
L_Excel4Workbooks Write String Excel 4 workbooks (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_Excel4WorkbooksDropID Write String File block setting: (User) - Depends on L_Excel4Workbooks (0: Do not block, 2: Open/Save blocked, use open policy, 3: Block, 4: Open in Protected View, 5: Allow editing and open in Protected View) 0, 2, 3, 4, 5
L_Excel4Worksheets Write String Excel 4 worksheets (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_Excel4WorksheetsDropID Write String File block setting: (User) - Depends on L_Excel4Worksheets (0: Do not block, 2: Open/Save blocked, use open policy, 3: Block, 4: Open in Protected View, 5: Allow editing and open in Protected View) 0, 2, 3, 4, 5
L_Excel95Workbooks Write String Excel 95 workbooks (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_Excel95WorkbooksDropID Write String File block setting: (User) - Depends on L_Excel95Workbooks (0: Do not block, 1: Save blocked, 2: Open/Save blocked, use open policy, 3: Block, 4: Open in Protected View, 5: Allow editing and open in Protected View) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
L_Excel9597WorkbooksAndTemplates Write String Excel 95-97 workbooks and templates (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_Excel9597WorkbooksAndTemplatesDropID Write String File block setting: (User) - Depends on L_Excel9597WorkbooksAndTemplates (0: Do not block, 2: Open/Save blocked, use open policy, 3: Block, 4: Open in Protected View, 5: Allow editing and open in Protected View) 0, 2, 3, 4, 5
L_Excel972003WorkbooksAndTemplates Write String Excel 97-2003 workbooks and templates (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_Excel972003WorkbooksAndTemplatesDropID Write String File block setting: (User) - Depends on L_Excel972003WorkbooksAndTemplates (0: Do not block, 1: Save blocked, 2: Open/Save blocked, use open policy, 3: Block, 4: Open in Protected View, 5: Allow editing and open in Protected View) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
MicrosoftExcel_Security_TrustCenterFileBlockSettings_L_SetDefaultFileBlockBehavior Write String Set default file block behavior (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftExcel_Security_TrustCenterFileBlockSettings_L_SetDefaultFileBlockBehaviorDropID Write String - Depends on MicrosoftExcel_Security_TrustCenterFileBlockSettings_L_SetDefaultFileBlockBehavior (0: Blocked files are not opened, 1: Blocked files open in Protected View and can not be edited, 2: Blocked files open in Protected View and can be edited) 0, 1, 2
L_WebPagesAndExcel2003XMLSpreadsheets Write String Web pages and Excel 2003 XML spreadsheets (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_WebPagesAndExcel2003XMLSpreadsheetsDropID Write String File block setting: (User) - Depends on L_WebPagesAndExcel2003XMLSpreadsheets (0: Do not block, 1: Save blocked, 2: Open/Save blocked, use open policy, 3: Block, 4: Open in Protected View, 5: Allow editing and open in Protected View) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
L_XL4KillSwitchPolicy Write String Prevent Excel from running XLM macros (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_EnableDataBaseFileProtectedView Write String Always open untrusted database files in Protected View (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftExcel_Security_TrustCenterProtectedView_L_DoNotOpenFilesFromTheInternetZoneInProtectedView Write String Do not open files from the Internet zone in Protected View (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftExcel_Security_TrustCenterProtectedView_L_DoNotOpenFilesInUnsafeLocationsInProtectedView Write String Do not open files in unsafe locations in Protected View (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftExcel_Security_TrustCenterProtectedView_L_SetDocumentBehaviorIfFileValidationFails Write String Set document behavior if file validation fails (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftExcel_Security_TrustCenterProtectedView_L_SetDocumentBehaviorIfFileValidationFailsStr3 Write String Checked: Allow edit. Unchecked: Do not allow edit. (User) - Depends on MicrosoftExcel_Security_TrustCenterProtectedView_L_SetDocumentBehaviorIfFileValidationFails (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
MicrosoftExcel_Security_TrustCenterProtectedView_L_SetDocumentBehaviorIfFileValidationFailsDropID Write String - Depends on MicrosoftExcel_Security_TrustCenterProtectedView_L_SetDocumentBehaviorIfFileValidationFails (0: Block files, 1: Open in Protected View) 0, 1
MicrosoftExcel_Security_TrustCenterProtectedView_L_TurnOffProtectedViewForAttachmentsOpenedFromOutlook Write String Turn off Protected View for attachments opened from Outlook (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftExcel_Security_TrustCenter_L_RequirethatApplicationExtensionsaresigned Write String Require that application add-ins are signed by Trusted Publisher (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftExcel_Security_TrustCenter_L_DisableTrustBarNotificationforunsigned_v2 Write String Disable Trust Bar Notification for unsigned application add-ins and block them (User) - Depends on MicrosoftExcel_Security_TrustCenter_L_RequirethatApplicationExtensionsaresigned (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftExcel_Security_TrustCenterTrustedLocations_L_AllowTrustedLocationsOnTheNetwork Write String Allow Trusted Locations on the network (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftExcel_Security_TrustCenter_L_VBAWarningsPolicy Write String VBA Macro Notification Settings (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_empty4 Write String - Depends on MicrosoftExcel_Security_TrustCenter_L_VBAWarningsPolicy (2: Disable VBA macros with notification, 3: Disable VBA macros except digitally signed macros, 4: Disable VBA macros without notification, 1: Enable VBA macros (not recommended)) 2, 3, 4, 1
MicrosoftExcel_Security_L_TurnOffFileValidation Write String Turn off file validation (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_WebContentWarningLevel Write String WEBSERVICE Function Notification Settings (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_WebContentWarningLevelValue Write String - Depends on L_WebContentWarningLevel (0: Enable all WEBSERVICE functions (not recommended), 1: Disable all with notification, 2: Disable all without notification) 0, 1, 2
L_NoExtensibilityCustomizationFromDocumentPolicy Write String Disable UI extending from documents and templates (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_NoExtensibilityCustomizationFromDocumentPolicyWord Write String Disallow in Word (User) - Depends on L_NoExtensibilityCustomizationFromDocumentPolicy (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_NoExtensibilityCustomizationFromDocumentPolicyExcel Write String Disallow in Excel (User) - Depends on L_NoExtensibilityCustomizationFromDocumentPolicy (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_NoExtensibilityCustomizationFromDocumentPolicyVisio Write String Disallow in Visio (User) - Depends on L_NoExtensibilityCustomizationFromDocumentPolicy (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_NoExtensibilityCustomizationFromDocumentPolicyPowerPoint Write String Disallow in PowerPoint (User) - Depends on L_NoExtensibilityCustomizationFromDocumentPolicy (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_NoExtensibilityCustomizationFromDocumentPolicyPublisher Write String Disallow in Publisher (User) - Depends on L_NoExtensibilityCustomizationFromDocumentPolicy (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_NoExtensibilityCustomizationFromDocumentPolicyOutlook Write String Disallow in Outlook (User) - Depends on L_NoExtensibilityCustomizationFromDocumentPolicy (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_NoExtensibilityCustomizationFromDocumentPolicyProject Write String Disallow in Project (User) - Depends on L_NoExtensibilityCustomizationFromDocumentPolicy (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_NoExtensibilityCustomizationFromDocumentPolicyAccess Write String Disallow in Access (User) - Depends on L_NoExtensibilityCustomizationFromDocumentPolicy (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_NoExtensibilityCustomizationFromDocumentPolicyInfoPath Write String Disallow in InfoPath (User) - Depends on L_NoExtensibilityCustomizationFromDocumentPolicy (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
L_ActiveXControlInitialization Write String ActiveX Control Initialization (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_ActiveXControlInitializationcolon Write String ActiveX Control Initialization: (User) - Depends on L_ActiveXControlInitialization (1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
L_BasicAuthProxyBehavior Write String Allow Basic Authentication prompts from network proxies (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_AllowVbaIntranetRefs Write String Allow VBA to load typelib references by path from untrusted intranet locations (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_AutomationSecurity Write String Automation Security (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_SettheAutomationSecuritylevel Write String Set the Automation Security level (User) - Depends on L_AutomationSecurity (3: Disable macros by default, 2: Use application macro security level, 1: Macros enabled (default)) 3, 2, 1
L_AuthenticationFBABehavior Write String Control how Office handles form-based sign-in prompts (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_AuthenticationFBAEnabledHostsID Write String Specify hosts allowed to show form-based sign-in prompts to users: (User) - Depends on L_AuthenticationFBABehavior
L_authenticationFBABehaviorEnum Write String Behavior: (User) - Depends on L_AuthenticationFBABehavior (1: Block all prompts, 2: Ask the user what to do for each new host, 3: Show prompts only from allowed hosts) 1, 2, 3
L_DisableStrictVbaRefsSecurityPolicy Write String Disable additional security checks on VBA library references that may refer to unsafe locations on the local machine (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_DisableallTrustBarnotificationsfor Write String Disable all Trust Bar notifications for security issues (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_Encryptiontypeforirm Write String Encryption mode for Information Rights Management (IRM) (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_Encryptiontypeforirmcolon Write String IRM Encryption Mode: (User) - Depends on L_Encryptiontypeforirm (1: Cipher Block Chaining (CBC), 2: Electronic Codebook (ECB)) 1, 2
L_Encryptiontypeforpasswordprotectedoffice972003 Write String Encryption type for password protected Office 97-2003 files (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_encryptiontypecolon318 Write String Encryption type: (User) - Depends on L_Encryptiontypeforpasswordprotectedoffice972003
L_Encryptiontypeforpasswordprotectedofficeopen Write String Encryption type for password protected Office Open XML files (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_Encryptiontypecolon Write String Encryption type: (User) - Depends on L_Encryptiontypeforpasswordprotectedofficeopen
L_LoadControlsinForms3 Write String Load Controls in Forms3 (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_LoadControlsinForms3colon Write String Load Controls in Forms3: (User) - Depends on L_LoadControlsinForms3 (1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4) 1, 2, 3, 4
L_MacroRuntimeScanScope Write String Macro Runtime Scan Scope (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_MacroRuntimeScanScopeEnum Write String - Depends on L_MacroRuntimeScanScope (0: Disable for all documents, 1: Enable for low trust documents, 2: Enable for all documents) 0, 1, 2
L_Protectdocumentmetadataforrightsmanaged Write String Protect document metadata for rights managed Office Open XML Files (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_Allowmixofpolicyanduserlocations Write String Allow mix of policy and user locations (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_DisabletheOfficeclientfrompolling Write String Disable the Office client from polling the SharePoint Server for published links (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_DisableSmartDocumentsuseofmanifests Write String Disable Smart Document's use of manifests (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_OutlookSecurityMode Write String Outlook Security Mode (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_OOMAddressAccess Write String Configure Outlook object model prompt when reading address information (User) - Depends on L_OutlookSecurityMode (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_OOMAddressAccess_Setting Write String Guard behavior: (User) (1: Prompt User, 2: Automatically Approve, 0: Automatically Deny, 3: Prompt user based on computer security) 1, 2, 0, 3
L_OOMMeetingTaskRequest Write String Configure Outlook object model prompt when responding to meeting and task requests (User) - Depends on L_OutlookSecurityMode (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_OOMMeetingTaskRequest_Setting Write String Guard behavior: (User) (1: Prompt User, 2: Automatically Approve, 0: Automatically Deny, 3: Prompt user based on computer security) 1, 2, 0, 3
L_OOMSend Write String Configure Outlook object model prompt when sending mail (User) - Depends on L_OutlookSecurityMode (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_OOMSend_Setting Write String Guard behavior: (User) (1: Prompt User, 2: Automatically Approve, 0: Automatically Deny, 3: Prompt user based on computer security) 1, 2, 0, 3
L_Preventusersfromcustomizingattachmentsecuritysettings Write String Prevent users from customizing attachment security settings (User) - Depends on L_OutlookSecurityMode (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_RetrievingCRLsCertificateRevocationLists Write String Retrieving CRLs (Certificate Revocation Lists) (User) - Depends on L_OutlookSecurityMode (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_empty31 Write String (0: Use system Default, 1: When online always retreive the CRL, 2: Never retreive the CRL) 0, 1, 2
L_OOMFormula Write String Configure Outlook object model prompt When accessing the Formula property of a UserProperty object (User) - Depends on L_OutlookSecurityMode (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_OOMFormula_Setting Write String Guard behavior: (User) (1: Prompt User, 2: Automatically Approve, 0: Automatically Deny, 3: Prompt user based on computer security) 1, 2, 0, 3
L_AuthenticationwithExchangeServer Write String Authentication with Exchange Server (User) - Depends on L_OutlookSecurityMode (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_SelecttheauthenticationwithExchangeserver Write String Select the authentication with Exchange server. (User) (9: Kerberos/NTLM Password Authentication, 16: Kerberos Password Authentication, 10: NTLM Password Authentication, 2147545088: Insert a smart card) 9, 16, 10, 2147545088
L_EnableRPCEncryption Write String Enable RPC encryption (User) - Depends on L_OutlookSecurityMode (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_Enablelinksinemailmessages Write String Allow hyperlinks in suspected phishing e-mail messages (User) - Depends on L_OutlookSecurityMode (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_OOMAddressBook Write String Configure Outlook object model prompt when accessing an address book (User) - Depends on L_OutlookSecurityMode (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_OOMAddressBook_Setting Write String Guard behavior: (User) (1: Prompt User, 2: Automatically Approve, 0: Automatically Deny, 3: Prompt user based on computer security) 1, 2, 0, 3
L_OutlookSecurityPolicy Write String Outlook Security Policy: (User) - Depends on L_OutlookSecurityMode (0: Outlook Default Security, 1: Use Security Form from 'Outlook Security Settings' Public Folder, 2: Use Security Form from 'Outlook 10 Security Settings' Public Folder, 3: Use Outlook Security Group Policy) 0, 1, 2, 3
L_AllowUsersToLowerAttachments Write String Allow users to demote attachments to Level 2 (User) - Depends on L_OutlookSecurityMode (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_AllowActiveXOneOffForms Write String Allow Active X One Off Forms (User) - Depends on L_OutlookSecurityMode (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_empty29 Write String Sets which ActiveX controls to allow. (0: Load only Outlook Controls, 1: Allows only Safe Controls, 2: Allows all ActiveX Controls) 0, 1, 2
L_EnableScriptsInOneOffForms Write String Allow scripts in one-off Outlook forms (User) - Depends on L_OutlookSecurityMode (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_Level2RemoveFilePolicy Write String Remove file extensions blocked as Level 2 (User) - Depends on L_OutlookSecurityMode (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_removedextensions25 Write String Removed Extensions: (User)
L_MSGUnicodeformatwhendraggingtofilesystem Write String Use Unicode format when dragging e-mail message to file system (User) - Depends on L_OutlookSecurityMode (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_OnExecuteCustomActionOOM Write String Set Outlook object model custom actions execution prompt (User) - Depends on L_OutlookSecurityMode (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_OnExecuteCustomActionOOM_Setting Write String When executing a custom action: (User) (1: Prompt User, 2: Automatically Approve, 0: Automatically Deny, 3: Prompt user based on computer security) 1, 2, 0, 3
L_DisableOutlookobjectmodelscriptsforpublicfolders Write String Do not allow Outlook object model scripts to run for public folders (User) - Depends on L_OutlookSecurityMode (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_BlockInternet Write String Include Internet in Safe Zones for Automatic Picture Download (User) - Depends on L_OutlookSecurityMode (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_SecurityLevelOutlook Write String Security setting for macros (User) - Depends on L_OutlookSecurityMode (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_SecurityLevel Write String Security Level (User) (2: Always warn, 4: Never warn, disable all, 3: Warn for signed, disable unsigned, 1: No security check) 2, 4, 3, 1
L_Level1RemoveFilePolicy Write String Remove file extensions blocked as Level 1 (User) - Depends on L_OutlookSecurityMode (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_RemovedExtensions Write String Removed Extensions: (User)
L_SignatureWarning Write String Signature Warning (User) - Depends on L_OutlookSecurityMode (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_signaturewarning30 Write String Signature Warning (User) (0: Let user decide if they want to be warned, 1: Always warn about invalid signatures, 2: Never warn about invalid signatures) 0, 1, 2
L_Level1Attachments Write String Display Level 1 attachments (User) - Depends on L_OutlookSecurityMode (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_Minimumencryptionsettings Write String Minimum encryption settings (User) - Depends on L_OutlookSecurityMode (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_Minimumkeysizeinbits Write SInt32 Minimum key size (in bits): (User)
L_DisableOutlookobjectmodelscripts Write String Do not allow Outlook object model scripts to run for shared folders (User) - Depends on L_OutlookSecurityMode (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_OOMSaveAs Write String Configure Outlook object model prompt when executing Save As (User) - Depends on L_OutlookSecurityMode (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_OOMSaveAs_Setting Write String Guard behavior: (User) (1: Prompt User, 2: Automatically Approve, 0: Automatically Deny, 3: Prompt user based on computer security) 1, 2, 0, 3
L_JunkEmailprotectionlevel Write String Junk E-mail protection level (User) - Depends on L_OutlookSecurityMode (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_Selectlevel Write String Select level: (User) (4294967295: No Protection, 6: Low (Default), 3: High, 2147483648: Trusted Lists Only) 4294967295, 6, 3, 2147483648
L_RunPrograms Write String Run Programs (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_RunPrograms_L_Empty Write String - Depends on L_RunPrograms (0: disable (don't run any programs), 1: enable (prompt user before running), 2: enable all (run without prompting)) 0, 1, 2
L_Determinewhethertoforceencryptedppt Write String Scan encrypted macros in PowerPoint Open XML presentations (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_DeterminewhethertoforceencryptedpptDropID Write String - Depends on L_Determinewhethertoforceencryptedppt (0: Scan encrypted macros (default), 1: Scan if anti-virus software available, 2: Load macros without scanning) 0, 1, 2
MicrosoftPowerPoint_Security_TrustCenter_L_BlockMacroExecutionFromInternet Write String Block macros from running in Office files from the Internet (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftPowerPoint_Security_TrustCenter_L_DisableTrustBarNotificationforunsigned Write String Disable Trust Bar Notification for unsigned application add-ins and block them (User) (Deprecated) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_PowerPoint972003PresentationsShowsTemplatesandAddInFiles Write String PowerPoint 97-2003 presentations, shows, templates and add-in files (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_PowerPoint972003PresentationsShowsTemplatesandAddInFilesDropID Write String File block setting: (User) - Depends on L_PowerPoint972003PresentationsShowsTemplatesandAddInFiles (0: Do not block, 1: Save blocked, 2: Open/Save blocked, use open policy, 3: Block, 4: Open in Protected View, 5: Allow editing and open in Protected View) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
MicrosoftPowerPoint_Security_TrustCenterFileBlockSettings_L_SetDefaultFileBlockBehavior Write String Set default file block behavior (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftPowerPoint_Security_TrustCenterFileBlockSettings_L_SetDefaultFileBlockBehaviorDropID Write String - Depends on MicrosoftPowerPoint_Security_TrustCenterFileBlockSettings_L_SetDefaultFileBlockBehavior (0: Blocked files are not opened, 1: Blocked files open in Protected View and can not be edited, 2: Blocked files open in Protected View and can be edited) 0, 1, 2
MicrosoftPowerPoint_Security_TrustCenterProtectedView_L_DoNotOpenFilesFromTheInternetZoneInProtectedView Write String Do not open files from the Internet zone in Protected View (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftPowerPoint_Security_TrustCenterProtectedView_L_DoNotOpenFilesInUnsafeLocationsInProtectedView Write String Do not open files in unsafe locations in Protected View (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftPowerPoint_Security_TrustCenterProtectedView_L_SetDocumentBehaviorIfFileValidationFails Write String Set document behavior if file validation fails (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftPowerPoint_Security_TrustCenterProtectedView_L_SetDocumentBehaviorIfFileValidationFailsStr3 Write String Checked: Allow edit. Unchecked: Do not allow edit. (User) - Depends on MicrosoftPowerPoint_Security_TrustCenterProtectedView_L_SetDocumentBehaviorIfFileValidationFails (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
MicrosoftPowerPoint_Security_TrustCenterProtectedView_L_SetDocumentBehaviorIfFileValidationFailsDropID Write String - Depends on MicrosoftPowerPoint_Security_TrustCenterProtectedView_L_SetDocumentBehaviorIfFileValidationFails (0: Block files, 1: Open in Protected View) 0, 1
MicrosoftPowerPoint_Security_TrustCenterProtectedView_L_TurnOffProtectedViewForAttachmentsOpenedFromOutlook Write String Turn off Protected View for attachments opened from Outlook (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftPowerPoint_Security_TrustCenter_L_RequirethatApplicationExtensionsaresigned Write String Require that application add-ins are signed by Trusted Publisher (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftPowerPoint_Security_TrustCenter_L_DisableTrustBarNotificationforunsigned_v2 Write String Disable Trust Bar Notification for unsigned application add-ins and block them (User) - Depends on MicrosoftPowerPoint_Security_TrustCenter_L_RequirethatApplicationExtensionsaresigned (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftPowerPoint_Security_TrustCenterTrustedLocations_L_AllowTrustedLocationsOnTheNetwork Write String Allow Trusted Locations on the network (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftPowerPoint_Security_TrustCenter_L_VBAWarningsPolicy Write String VBA Macro Notification Settings (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_empty3 Write String - Depends on MicrosoftPowerPoint_Security_TrustCenter_L_VBAWarningsPolicy (2: Disable all with notification, 3: Disable all except digitally signed macros, 4: Disable all without notification, 1: Enable all macros (not recommended)) 2, 3, 4, 1
MicrosoftPowerPoint_Security_L_TurnOffFileValidation Write String Turn off file validation (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftProject_Security_TrustCenter_L_AllowTrustedLocationsOnTheNetwork Write String Allow Trusted Locations on the network (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftProject_Security_TrustCenter_L_DisableTrustBarNotificationforunsigned Write String Disable Trust Bar Notification for unsigned application add-ins and block them (User) (Deprecated) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftProject_Security_TrustCenter_L_RequirethatApplicationExtensionsaresigned Write String Require that application add-ins are signed by Trusted Publisher (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftProject_Security_TrustCenter_L_DisableTrustBarNotificationforunsigned_v2 Write String Disable Trust Bar Notification for unsigned application add-ins and block them (User) - Depends on MicrosoftProject_Security_TrustCenter_L_RequirethatApplicationExtensionsaresigned (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftProject_Security_TrustCenter_L_VBAWarningsPolicy Write String VBA Macro Notification Settings (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftProject_Security_TrustCenter_L_VBAWarningsPolicy_L_Empty Write String - Depends on MicrosoftProject_Security_TrustCenter_L_VBAWarningsPolicy (2: Disable all with notification, 3: Disable all except digitally signed macros, 4: Disable all without notification, 1: Enable all macros (not recommended)) 2, 3, 4, 1
L_PublisherAutomationSecurityLevel Write String Publisher Automation Security Level (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_PublisherAutomationSecurityLevel_L_Empty Write String - Depends on L_PublisherAutomationSecurityLevel (1: Low (enabled), 2: By UI (prompted), 3: High (disabled)) 1, 2, 3
MicrosoftPublisherV3_Security_TrustCenter_L_BlockMacroExecutionFromInternet Write String Block macros from running in Office files from the internet (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftPublisherV2_Security_TrustCenter_L_DisableTrustBarNotificationforunsigned Write String Disable Trust Bar Notification for unsigned application add-ins (User) (Deprecated) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftPublisherV2_Security_TrustCenter_L_RequirethatApplicationExtensionsaresigned Write String Require that application add-ins are signed by Trusted Publisher (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftPublisherV2_Security_TrustCenter_L_DisableTrustBarNotificationforunsigned_v2 Write String Disable Trust Bar Notification for unsigned application add-ins (User) - Depends on MicrosoftPublisherV2_Security_TrustCenter_L_RequirethatApplicationExtensionsaresigned (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftPublisherV2_Security_TrustCenter_L_VBAWarningsPolicy Write String VBA Macro Notification Settings (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_empty0 Write String - Depends on MicrosoftPublisherV2_Security_TrustCenter_L_VBAWarningsPolicy (2: Disable all with notification, 3: Disable all except digitally signed macros, 4: Disable all without notification, 1: Enable all macros (not recommended)) 2, 3, 4, 1
MicrosoftVisio_Security_TrustCenter_L_AllowTrustedLocationsOnTheNetwork Write String Allow Trusted Locations on the network (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftVisio_Security_TrustCenter_L_BlockMacroExecutionFromInternet Write String Block macros from running in Office files from the Internet (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftVisio_Security_TrustCenter_L_DisableTrustBarNotificationforunsigned Write String Disable Trust Bar Notification for unsigned application add-ins and block them (User) (Deprecated) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_Visio2000Files Write String Visio 2000-2002 Binary Drawings, Templates and Stencils (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_Visio2000FilesDropID Write String File block setting: (User) - Depends on L_Visio2000Files (0: Do not block, 2: Open/Save blocked) 0, 2
L_Visio2003Files Write String Visio 2003-2010 Binary Drawings, Templates and Stencils (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_Visio2003FilesDropID Write String File block setting: (User) - Depends on L_Visio2003Files (0: Do not block, 1: Save blocked, 2: Open/Save blocked) 0, 1, 2
L_Visio50AndEarlierFiles Write String Visio 5.0 or earlier Binary Drawings, Templates and Stencils (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_Visio50AndEarlierFilesDropID Write String File block setting: (User) - Depends on L_Visio50AndEarlierFiles (0: Do not block, 2: Open/Save blocked) 0, 2
MicrosoftVisio_Security_TrustCenter_L_RequirethatApplicationExtensionsaresigned Write String Require that application add-ins are signed by Trusted Publisher (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftVisio_Security_TrustCenter_L_DisableTrustBarNotificationforunsigned_v2 Write String Disable Trust Bar Notification for unsigned application add-ins and block them (User) - Depends on MicrosoftVisio_Security_TrustCenter_L_RequirethatApplicationExtensionsaresigned (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftVisio_Security_TrustCenter_L_VBAWarningsPolicy Write String VBA Macro Notification Settings (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftVisio_Security_TrustCenter_L_VBAWarningsPolicy_L_Empty Write String - Depends on MicrosoftVisio_Security_TrustCenter_L_VBAWarningsPolicy (2: Disable all with notification, 3: Disable all except digitally signed macros, 4: Disable all without notification, 1: Enable all macros (not recommended)) 2, 3, 4, 1
MicrosoftWord_Security_TrustCenter_L_BlockMacroExecutionFromInternet Write String Block macros from running in Office files from the Internet (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftWord_Security_TrustCenter_L_DisableTrustBarNotificationforunsigned Write String Disable Trust Bar Notification for unsigned application add-ins and block them (User) (Deprecated) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_AllowDDE Write String Dynamic Data Exchange (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_AllowDDEDropID Write String Dynamic Data Exchange setting (User) - Depends on L_AllowDDE (1: Limited Dynamic Data Exchange, 2: Allow Dynamic Data Exchange) 1, 2
MicrosoftWord_Security_TrustCenterFileBlockSettings_L_SetDefaultFileBlockBehavior Write String Set default file block behavior (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftWord_Security_TrustCenterFileBlockSettings_L_SetDefaultFileBlockBehaviorDropID Write String - Depends on MicrosoftWord_Security_TrustCenterFileBlockSettings_L_SetDefaultFileBlockBehavior (0: Blocked files are not opened, 1: Blocked files open in Protected View and can not be edited, 2: Blocked files open in Protected View and can be edited) 0, 1, 2
L_Word2AndEarlierBinaryDocumentsAndTemplates Write String Word 2 and earlier binary documents and templates (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_Word2AndEarlierBinaryDocumentsAndTemplatesDropID Write String File block setting: (User) - Depends on L_Word2AndEarlierBinaryDocumentsAndTemplates (0: Do not block, 2: Open/Save blocked, use open policy, 3: Block, 4: Open in Protected View, 5: Allow editing and open in Protected View) 0, 2, 3, 4, 5
L_Word2000BinaryDocumentsAndTemplates Write String Word 2000 binary documents and templates (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_Word2000BinaryDocumentsAndTemplatesDropID Write String File block setting: (User) - Depends on L_Word2000BinaryDocumentsAndTemplates (0: Do not block, 2: Open/Save blocked, use open policy, 3: Block, 4: Open in Protected View, 5: Allow editing and open in Protected View) 0, 2, 3, 4, 5
L_Word2003BinaryDocumentsAndTemplates Write String Word 2003 binary documents and templates (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_Word2003BinaryDocumentsAndTemplatesDropID Write String File block setting: (User) - Depends on L_Word2003BinaryDocumentsAndTemplates (0: Do not block, 2: Open/Save blocked, use open policy, 3: Block, 4: Open in Protected View, 5: Allow editing and open in Protected View) 0, 2, 3, 4, 5
L_Word2007AndLaterBinaryDocumentsAndTemplates Write String Word 2007 and later binary documents and templates (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_Word2007AndLaterBinaryDocumentsAndTemplatesDropID Write String File block setting: (User) - Depends on L_Word2007AndLaterBinaryDocumentsAndTemplates (0: Do not block, 1: Save blocked, 2: Open/Save blocked, use open policy, 3: Block, 4: Open in Protected View, 5: Allow editing and open in Protected View) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
L_Word6Pt0BinaryDocumentsAndTemplates Write String Word 6.0 binary documents and templates (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_Word6Pt0BinaryDocumentsAndTemplatesDropID Write String File block setting: (User) - Depends on L_Word6Pt0BinaryDocumentsAndTemplates (0: Do not block, 2: Open/Save blocked, use open policy, 3: Block, 4: Open in Protected View, 5: Allow editing and open in Protected View) 0, 2, 3, 4, 5
L_Word95BinaryDocumentsAndTemplates Write String Word 95 binary documents and templates (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_Word95BinaryDocumentsAndTemplatesDropID Write String File block setting: (User) - Depends on L_Word95BinaryDocumentsAndTemplates (0: Do not block, 2: Open/Save blocked, use open policy, 3: Block, 4: Open in Protected View, 5: Allow editing and open in Protected View) 0, 2, 3, 4, 5
L_Word97BinaryDocumentsAndTemplates Write String Word 97 binary documents and templates (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_Word97BinaryDocumentsAndTemplatesDropID Write String File block setting: (User) - Depends on L_Word97BinaryDocumentsAndTemplates (0: Do not block, 2: Open/Save blocked, use open policy, 3: Block, 4: Open in Protected View, 5: Allow editing and open in Protected View) 0, 2, 3, 4, 5
L_WordXPBinaryDocumentsAndTemplates Write String Word XP binary documents and templates (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_WordXPBinaryDocumentsAndTemplatesDropID Write String File block setting: (User) - Depends on L_WordXPBinaryDocumentsAndTemplates (0: Do not block, 2: Open/Save blocked, use open policy, 3: Block, 4: Open in Protected View, 5: Allow editing and open in Protected View) 0, 2, 3, 4, 5
MicrosoftWord_Security_TrustCenterProtectedView_L_DoNotOpenFilesFromTheInternetZoneInProtectedView Write String Do not open files from the Internet zone in Protected View (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftWord_Security_TrustCenterProtectedView_L_DoNotOpenFilesInUnsafeLocationsInProtectedView Write String Do not open files in unsafe locations in Protected View (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftWord_Security_TrustCenterProtectedView_L_SetDocumentBehaviorIfFileValidationFails Write String Set document behavior if file validation fails (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftWord_Security_TrustCenterProtectedView_L_SetDocumentBehaviorIfFileValidationFailsDropID Write String - Depends on MicrosoftWord_Security_TrustCenterProtectedView_L_SetDocumentBehaviorIfFileValidationFails (0: Block files, 1: Open in Protected View) 0, 1
MicrosoftWord_Security_TrustCenterProtectedView_L_SetDocumentBehaviorIfFileValidationFailsStr3 Write String Checked: Allow edit. Unchecked: Do not allow edit. (User) - Depends on MicrosoftWord_Security_TrustCenterProtectedView_L_SetDocumentBehaviorIfFileValidationFails (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
MicrosoftWord_Security_TrustCenterProtectedView_L_TurnOffProtectedViewForAttachmentsOpenedFromOutlook Write String Turn off Protected View for attachments opened from Outlook (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftWord_Security_TrustCenter_L_RequirethatApplicationExtensionsaresigned Write String Require that application add-ins are signed by Trusted Publisher (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftWord_Security_TrustCenter_L_DisableTrustBarNotificationforunsigned_v2 Write String Disable Trust Bar Notification for unsigned application add-ins and block them (User) - Depends on MicrosoftWord_Security_TrustCenter_L_RequirethatApplicationExtensionsaresigned (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_DeterminewhethertoforceencryptedWord Write String Scan encrypted macros in Word Open XML documents (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_DeterminewhethertoforceencryptedWordDropID Write String - Depends on L_DeterminewhethertoforceencryptedWord (0: Scan encrypted macros (default), 1: Scan if anti-virus software available, 2: Load macros without scanning) 0, 1, 2
MicrosoftWord_Security_TrustCenter_L_VBAWarningsPolicy Write String VBA Macro Notification Settings (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
L_empty19 Write String - Depends on MicrosoftWord_Security_TrustCenter_L_VBAWarningsPolicy (2: Disable all with notification, 3: Disable all except digitally signed macros, 4: Disable all without notification, 1: Enable all macros (not recommended)) 2, 3, 4, 1
MicrosoftWord_Security_L_TurnOffFileValidation Write String Turn off file validation (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
MicrosoftWord_Security_TrustCenterTrustedLocations_L_AllowTrustedLocationsOnTheNetwork Write String Allow Trusted Locations on the network (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1


Intune Security Baseline Microsoft365 Apps For Enterprise


Microsoft Graph

To authenticate with the Microsoft Graph API, this resource required the following permissions:

Delegated permissions

  • Read

    • DeviceManagementConfiguration.Read.All
  • Update

    • DeviceManagementConfiguration.ReadWrite.All

Application permissions

  • Read

    • DeviceManagementConfiguration.Read.All
  • Update

    • DeviceManagementConfiguration.ReadWrite.All


Example 1

This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on. It is not meant to use as a production baseline.

Configuration Example


    Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC

    node localhost
        IntuneSecurityBaselineMicrosoft365AppsForEnterprise 'mySecurityBaselineMicrosoft365AppsForEnterprisePolicy'
            DisplayName           = 'test'
            DeviceSettings = MSFT_MicrosoftGraphIntuneSettingsCatalogDeviceSettings_IntuneSecurityBaselineMicrosoft365AppsForEnterprise
                L_ProtectionFromZoneElevation = '1'
                L_grooveexe98 = '1'
                L_excelexe99 = '1'
                L_mspubexe100 = '1'
                L_powerpntexe101 = '1'
                L_pptviewexe102 = '1'
                L_visioexe103 = '1'
                L_winprojexe104 = '1'
                L_winwordexe105 = '1'
                L_outlookexe106 = '1'
                L_spdesignexe107 = '1'
                L_exprwdexe108 = '1'
                L_msaccessexe109 = '1'
                L_onenoteexe110 = '1'
                L_mse7exe111 = '1'
            UserSettings = MSFT_MicrosoftGraphIntuneSettingsCatalogUserSettings_IntuneSecurityBaselineMicrosoft365AppsForEnterprise
                MicrosoftPublisherV3_Security_TrustCenter_L_BlockMacroExecutionFromInternet = '1'
                MicrosoftVisio_Security_TrustCenter_L_VBAWarningsPolicy = '1'
                MicrosoftVisio_Security_TrustCenter_L_VBAWarningsPolicy_L_Empty = '3'
            Ensure                = 'Present'
            ApplicationId         = $ApplicationId;
            TenantId              = $TenantId;
            CertificateThumbprint = $CertificateThumbprint;

Example 2

This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on. It is not meant to use as a production baseline.

Configuration Example


    Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC

    node localhost
        IntuneSecurityBaselineMicrosoft365AppsForEnterprise 'mySecurityBaselineMicrosoft365AppsForEnterprisePolicy'
            DisplayName           = 'test'
            DeviceSettings = MSFT_MicrosoftGraphIntuneSettingsCatalogDeviceSettings_IntuneSecurityBaselineMicrosoft365AppsForEnterprise
                L_ProtectionFromZoneElevation = '1'
                L_grooveexe98 = '1'
                L_excelexe99 = '1'
                L_mspubexe100 = '1'
                L_powerpntexe101 = '1'
                L_pptviewexe102 = '1'
                L_visioexe103 = '1'
                L_winprojexe104 = '1'
                L_winwordexe105 = '1'
                L_outlookexe106 = '1'
                L_spdesignexe107 = '1'
                L_exprwdexe108 = '1'
                L_msaccessexe109 = '1'
                L_onenoteexe110 = '1'
                L_mse7exe111 = '1'
            UserSettings = MSFT_MicrosoftGraphIntuneSettingsCatalogUserSettings_IntuneSecurityBaselineMicrosoft365AppsForEnterprise
                MicrosoftPublisherV3_Security_TrustCenter_L_BlockMacroExecutionFromInternet = '1'
                MicrosoftVisio_Security_TrustCenter_L_VBAWarningsPolicy = '1'
                MicrosoftVisio_Security_TrustCenter_L_VBAWarningsPolicy_L_Empty = '2' # Updated property
            Ensure                = 'Present'
            ApplicationId         = $ApplicationId;
            TenantId              = $TenantId;
            CertificateThumbprint = $CertificateThumbprint;

Example 3

This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on. It is not meant to use as a production baseline.

Configuration Example


    Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC

    node localhost
        IntuneSecurityBaselineMicrosoft365AppsForEnterprise 'mySecurityBaselineMicrosoft365AppsForEnterprisePolicy'
            DisplayName           = 'test'
            Ensure                = 'Absent'
            ApplicationId         = $ApplicationId;
            TenantId              = $TenantId;
            CertificateThumbprint = $CertificateThumbprint;