Parameter | Attribute | DataType | Description | Allowed Values |
DisplayName | Key | String | The admin provided or imported title of the app. Inherited from mobileApp. | |
Id | Write | String | The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only. Inherited from mobileApp object. | |
Description | Write | String | The description of the app. Inherited from mobileApp. | |
Developer | Write | String | The dewveloper of the app. Inherited from mobileApp. | |
InformationUrl | Write | String | The InformationUrl of the app. Inherited from mobileApp. | |
IsFeatured | Write | Boolean | The value indicating whether the app is marked as featured by the admin. Inherited from mobileApp. | |
Notes | Write | String | Notes for the app. Inherited from mobileApp. | |
Owner | Write | String | The owner of the app. Inherited from mobileApp. | |
PrivacyInformationUrl | Write | String | The privacy statement Url. Inherited from mobileApp. | |
Publisher | Write | String | The publisher of the app. Inherited from mobileApp. | |
BundleId | Write | String | The bundleId of the app. | |
BuildNumber | Write | String | The build number of the app. | |
VersionNumber | Write | String | The version number of the app. | |
RoleScopeTagIds | Write | StringArray[] | List of Scope Tag IDs for mobile app. | |
IgnoreVersionDetection | Write | Boolean | Whether to ignore the version of the app or not. | |
InstallAsManaged | Write | Boolean | Install the app as managed. Requires macOS 11.0. | |
LargeIcon | Write | MSFT_DeviceManagementMimeContent | The icon for this app. | |
MinimumSupportedOperatingSystem | Write | MSFT_DeviceManagementMinimumOperatingSystem | The minimum supported operating system to install the app. | |
Categories | Write | MSFT_DeviceManagementMobileAppCategory[] | The list of categories for this app. | |
Assignments | Write | MSFT_DeviceManagementMobileAppAssignment[] | The list of assignments for this app. | |
ChildApps | Write | MSFT_DeviceManagementMobileAppChildApp[] | The list of child apps for this app package. | |
Ensure | Write | String | Present ensures the policy exists, absent ensures it is removed. | Present , Absent |
Credential | Write | PSCredential | Credentials of the Admin | |
ApplicationId | Write | String | Id of the Azure Active Directory application to authenticate with. | |
TenantId | Write | String | Id of the Azure Active Directory tenant used for authentication. | |
ApplicationSecret | Write | PSCredential | Secret of the Azure Active Directory tenant used for authentication. | |
CertificateThumbprint | Write | String | Thumbprint of the Azure Active Directory application's authentication certificate to use for authentication. | |
ManagedIdentity | Write | Boolean | Managed ID being used for authentication. | |
AccessTokens | Write | StringArray[] | Access token used for authentication. |
Parameter | Attribute | DataType | Description | Allowed Values |
dataType | Write | String | The type of the target assignment. | #microsoft.graph.groupAssignmentTarget , #microsoft.graph.allLicensedUsersAssignmentTarget , #microsoft.graph.allDevicesAssignmentTarget , #microsoft.graph.exclusionGroupAssignmentTarget , #microsoft.graph.mobileAppAssignment |
deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterId | Write | String | The Id of the filter for the target assignment. | |
deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterType | Write | String | The type of filter of the target assignment i.e. Exclude or Include. Possible values are: none, include, exclude. | none , include , exclude |
groupId | Write | String | The group Id that is the target of the assignment. | |
groupDisplayName | Write | String | The group Display Name that is the target of the assignment. | |
intent | Write | String | Possible values for the install intent chosen by the admin. | available , required , uninstall , availableWithoutEnrollment |
Parameter | Attribute | DataType | Description | Allowed Values |
v10_7 | Write | Boolean | Indicates if Mac OS X 10.7 or later is required to install the app. | |
v10_8 | Write | Boolean | Indicates if Mac OS X 10.8 or later is required to install the app. | |
v10_9 | Write | Boolean | Indicates if Mac OS X 10.9 or later is required to install the app. | |
v10_10 | Write | Boolean | Indicates if Mac OS X 10.10 or later is required to install the app. | |
v10_11 | Write | Boolean | Indicates if Mac OS X 10.11 or later is required to install the app. | |
v10_12 | Write | Boolean | Indicates if Mac OS X 10.12 or later is required to install the app. | |
v10_13 | Write | Boolean | Indicates if Mac OS X 10.13 or later is required to install the app. | |
v10_14 | Write | Boolean | Indicates if Mac OS X 10.14 or later is required to install the app. | |
v10_15 | Write | Boolean | Indicates if Mac OS X 10.15 or later is required to install the app. | |
v11_0 | Write | Boolean | Indicates if Mac OS X 11.0 or later is required to install the app. | |
v12_0 | Write | Boolean | Indicates if Mac OS X 12.0 or later is required to install the app. | |
v13_0 | Write | Boolean | Indicates if Mac OS X 13.0 or later is required to install the app. | |
v14_0 | Write | Boolean | Indicates if Mac OS X 14.0 or later is required to install the app. |
Parameter | Attribute | DataType | Description | Allowed Values |
Type | Write | String | Indicates the type of content mime. | |
Value | Write | String | The Base64 encoded string content. |
Parameter | Attribute | DataType | Description | Allowed Values |
DisplayName | Key | String | The name of the app category. | |
Id | Write | String | The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only. |
Parameter | Attribute | DataType | Description | Allowed Values |
BundleId | Write | String | The bundleId of the app. | |
BuildNumber | Write | String | The build number of the app. | |
VersionNumber | Write | String | The version number of the app. |
This resource configures an Intune mobile app of MacOSLobApp type for MacOS devices.
Microsoft Graph¶
To authenticate with the Microsoft Graph API, this resource required the following permissions:
Delegated permissions¶
- Group.Read.All, DeviceManagementApps.Read.All
- Group.Read.All, DeviceManagementApps.ReadWrite.All
Application permissions¶
- Group.Read.All, DeviceManagementApps.Read.All
- Group.Read.All, DeviceManagementApps.ReadWrite.All
Example 1¶
This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on. It is not meant to use as a production baseline.
Configuration Example
Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC
node localhost
IntuneMobileAppsMacOSLobApp "IntuneMobileAppsMacOSLobApp-TeamsForBusinessInstaller"
Id = "8d027f94-0682-431e-97c1-827d1879fa79";
Description = "TeamsForBusinessInstaller";
Developer = "Contoso";
DisplayName = "TeamsForBusinessInstaller";
Ensure = "Present";
InformationUrl = "";
IsFeatured = $False;
MinimumSupportedOperatingSystem = MSFT_DeviceManagementMinimumOperatingSystem{
v11_0 = $true
Notes = "";
Owner = "";
PrivacyInformationUrl = "";
Publisher = "Contoso";
Assignments = @(
MSFT_DeviceManagementMobileAppAssignment {
groupDisplayName = 'All devices'
deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterType = 'none'
dataType = '#microsoft.graph.allDevicesAssignmentTarget'
intent = 'required'
deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterType = 'none'
dataType = '#microsoft.graph.groupAssignmentTarget'
groupId = '57b5e81c-85bb-4644-a4fd-33b03e451c89'
intent = 'required'
Categories = @(
MSFT_DeviceManagementMobileAppCategory {
Id = '1bff2652-03ec-4a48-941c-152e93736515'
DisplayName = 'Kajal 3'
Example 2¶
This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on. It is not meant to use as a production baseline.
Configuration Example
Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC
node localhost
IntuneMobileAppsMacOSLobApp "IntuneMobileAppsMacOSLobApp-TeamsForBusinessInstaller"
Id = "8d027f94-0682-431e-97c1-827d1879fa79";
Description = "TeamsForBusinessInstaller";
Developer = "Contoso drift"; #drift
DisplayName = "TeamsForBusinessInstaller";
Ensure = "Present";
InformationUrl = "";
IsFeatured = $False;
MinimumSupportedOperatingSystem = MSFT_DeviceManagementMinimumOperatingSystem{
v11_0 = $true
Notes = "";
Owner = "";
PrivacyInformationUrl = "";
Publisher = "Contoso";
Assignments = @(
MSFT_DeviceManagementMobileAppAssignment {
groupDisplayName = 'All devices'
deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterType = 'none'
dataType = '#microsoft.graph.allDevicesAssignmentTarget'
intent = 'required'
MSFT_DeviceManagementMobileAppAssignment {
deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterType = 'none'
dataType = '#microsoft.graph.groupAssignmentTarget'
groupId = '57b5e81c-85bb-4644-a4fd-33b03e451c89'
intent = 'required'
Categories = @(MSFT_DeviceManagementMobileAppCategory {
Id = '1bff2652-03ec-4a48-941c-152e93736515'
DisplayName = 'Kajal 3'
Example 3¶
This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on. It is not meant to use as a production baseline.
Configuration Example
Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC
node localhost
IntuneMobileAppsMacOSLobApp "IntuneMobileAppsMacOSLobApp-TeamsForBusinessInstaller"
Id = "8d027f94-0682-431e-97c1-827d1879fa79";
DisplayName = "TeamsForBusinessInstaller";
Ensure = "Absent";