

Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
Description Write String Policy description
DisplayName Key String Policy name
RoleScopeTagIds Write StringArray[] List of Scope Tags for this Entity instance.
Id Write String The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
PolicyRule Write MSFT_MicrosoftGraphIntuneSettingsCatalogPolicyRule[] The list of policy rules to apply.
DeviceInstall_Allow_Deny_Layered Write String Apply layered order of evaluation for Allow and Prevent device installation policies across all device match criteria (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
DeviceInstall_IDs_Allow Write String Allow installation of devices that match any of these device IDs (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
DeviceInstall_IDs_Allow_List Write StringArray[] Allowed device IDs
DeviceInstall_Instance_IDs_Allow Write String Allow installation of devices that match any of these device instance IDs (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
DeviceInstall_Instance_IDs_Allow_List Write StringArray[] Allowed Instance IDs
DeviceInstall_Classes_Allow Write String Allow installation of devices using drivers that match these device setup classes (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
DeviceInstall_Classes_Allow_List Write StringArray[] Allowed classes
DeviceInstall_Unspecified_Deny Write String Prevent installation of devices not described by other policy settings (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
DeviceInstall_IDs_Deny Write String Prevent installation of devices that match any of these device IDs (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
DeviceInstall_IDs_Deny_List Write StringArray[] Prevented device IDs
DeviceInstall_IDs_Deny_Retroactive Write String Also apply to matching devices that are already installed. (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
DeviceInstall_Instance_IDs_Deny Write String Prevent installation of devices that match any of these device instance IDs (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
DeviceInstall_Instance_IDs_Deny_Retroactive Write String Also apply to matching devices that are already installed. (Device) (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
DeviceInstall_Instance_IDs_Deny_List Write StringArray[] Prevented Instance IDs
DeviceInstall_Classes_Deny Write String Prevent installation of devices using drivers that match these device setup classes (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
DeviceInstall_Classes_Deny_List Write StringArray[] Prevented Classes
DeviceInstall_Classes_Deny_Retroactive Write String Also apply to matching devices that are already installed. (0: False, 1: True) 0, 1
DeviceInstall_Removable_Deny Write String Prevent installation of removable devices (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
WPDDevices_DenyRead_Access_2 Write String WPD Devices: Deny read access (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
WPDDevices_DenyRead_Access_1 Write String WPD Devices: Deny read access (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
WPDDevices_DenyWrite_Access_2 Write String WPD Devices: Deny write access (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
WPDDevices_DenyWrite_Access_1 Write String WPD Devices: Deny write access (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) 0, 1
AllowFullScanRemovableDriveScanning Write String Allow Full Scan Removable Drive Scanning (0: Not allowed. Turns off scanning on removable drives., 1: Allowed. Scans removable drives.) 0, 1
AllowDirectMemoryAccess Write String Allow Direct Memory Access (0: Not allowed., 1: Allowed.) 0, 1
DeviceEnumerationPolicy Write String Device Enumeration Policy (0: Block all (Most restrictive), 1: Only after log in/screen unlock, 2: Allow all (Least restrictive)) 0, 1, 2
RemovableDiskDenyWriteAccess Write String Removable Disk Deny Write Access (0: Disabled., 1: Enabled.) 0, 1
AllowUSBConnection Write String Allow USB Connection (0: Not allowed., 1: Allowed.) 0, 1
AllowBluetooth Write String Allow Bluetooth (0: Disallow Bluetooth. If this is set to 0, the radio in the Bluetooth control panel will be grayed out and the user will not be able to turn Bluetooth on., 1: Reserved. If this is set to 1, the radio in the Bluetooth control panel will be functional and the user will be able to turn Bluetooth on., 2: Allow Bluetooth. If this is set to 2, the radio in the Bluetooth control panel will be functional and the user will be able to turn Bluetooth on.) 0, 1, 2
AllowAdvertising Write String Allow Advertising (0: Not allowed. When set to 0, the device will not send out advertisements. To verify, use any Bluetooth LE app and enable it to do advertising. Then, verify that the advertisement is not received by the peripheral., 1: Allowed. When set to 1, the device will send out advertisements. To verify, use any Bluetooth LE app and enable it to do advertising. Then, verify that the advertisement is received by the peripheral.) 0, 1
AllowDiscoverableMode Write String Allow Discoverable Mode (0: Not allowed. When set to 0, other devices will not be able to detect the device. To verify, open the Bluetooth control panel on the device. Then, go to another Bluetooth-enabled device, open the Bluetooth control panel, and verify that you cannot see the name of the device., 1: Allowed. When set to 1, other devices will be able to detect the device. To verify, open the Bluetooth control panel on the device. Then, go to another Bluetooth-enabled device, open the Bluetooth control panel and verify that you can discover it.) 0, 1
AllowPrepairing Write String Allow Prepairing (0: Not allowed., 1: Allowed.) 0, 1
AllowPromptedProximalConnections Write String Allow Prompted Proximal Connections (0: Disallow. Block users on these managed devices from using Swift Pair and other proximity based scenarios, 1: Allow. Allow users on these managed devices to use Swift Pair and other proximity based scenarios) 0, 1
ServicesAllowedList Write StringArray[] Services Allowed List
AllowStorageCard Write String Allow Storage Card (0: SD card use is not allowed and USB drives are disabled. This setting does not prevent programmatic access to the storage card., 1: Allow a storage card.) 0, 1
Assignments Write MSFT_DeviceManagementConfigurationPolicyAssignments[] Represents the assignment to the Intune policy.
Ensure Write String Present ensures the policy exists, absent ensures it is removed. Present, Absent
Credential Write PSCredential Credentials of the Admin
ApplicationId Write String Id of the Azure Active Directory application to authenticate with.
TenantId Write String Id of the Azure Active Directory tenant used for authentication.
ApplicationSecret Write PSCredential Secret of the Azure Active Directory tenant used for authentication.
CertificateThumbprint Write String Thumbprint of the Azure Active Directory application's authentication certificate to use for authentication.
ManagedIdentity Write Boolean Managed ID being used for authentication.
AccessTokens Write StringArray[] Access token used for authentication.



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
dataType Write String The type of the target assignment. #microsoft.graph.groupAssignmentTarget, #microsoft.graph.allLicensedUsersAssignmentTarget, #microsoft.graph.allDevicesAssignmentTarget, #microsoft.graph.exclusionGroupAssignmentTarget, #microsoft.graph.configurationManagerCollectionAssignmentTarget
deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterType Write String The type of filter of the target assignment i.e. Exclude or Include. Possible values are:none, include, exclude. none, include, exclude
deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterId Write String The Id of the filter for the target assignment.
groupId Write String The group Id that is the target of the assignment.
groupDisplayName Write String The group Display Name that is the target of the assignment.
collectionId Write String The collection Id that is the target of the assignment.(ConfigMgr)



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
Entry Write MSFT_MicrosoftGraphIntuneSettingsCatalogPolicyRuleEntry[] Entry
Name Write String Name
ExcludedIdList_GroupId Write StringArray[] Excluded ID
IncludedIdList_GroupId Write StringArray[] Included ID



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
Type Write String Type (allow: Allow, deny: Deny, auditallowed: AuditAllowed, auditdenied: AuditDenied) allow, deny, auditallowed, auditdenied
Options Write String Options (0: None, 1: ShowNotification, 2: SendEvent, 3: SendNotificationAndEvent, 4: Disable) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
Sid Write String Sid
AccessMask Write SInt32Array[] Access mask (1: WDD_READ_ACCESS, 2: WDD_WRITE_ACCESS, 4: WDD_EXECUTE_ACCESS, 8: WDD_FS_READ_ACCESS, 16: WDD_FS_WRITE_ACCESS, 32: WDD_FS_EXECUTE_ACCESS, 64: WDD_PRINT_ACCESS) 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64
ComputerSid Write String Computer Sid


Intune Device Control Policy for Windows10


Microsoft Graph

To authenticate with the Microsoft Graph API, this resource required the following permissions:

Delegated permissions

  • Read

    • DeviceManagementConfiguration.Read.All
  • Update

    • DeviceManagementConfiguration.ReadWrite.All

Application permissions

  • Read

    • DeviceManagementConfiguration.Read.All
  • Update

    • DeviceManagementConfiguration.ReadWrite.All


Example 1

This example creates a new Device Control Policy.

Configuration Example


    Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC

    node localhost
        IntuneDeviceControlPolicyWindows10 'ConfigureDeviceControlPolicy'
            AllowStorageCard      = "1";
            Assignments           = @(
                    deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterType = 'none'
                    dataType = '#microsoft.graph.groupAssignmentTarget'
                    groupId = '11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111'
            Description           = 'Description'
            DisplayName           = "Device Control";
            DeviceInstall_IDs_Allow      = "1";
            DeviceInstall_IDs_Allow_List = @("1234");
            PolicyRule                   = @(
                    Name = 'asdf'
                    Entry = @(
                            AccessMask = @(
                            Sid = '1234'
                            ComputerSid = '1234'
                            Type = 'allow'
                            Options = '4'
            Ensure                = "Present";
            Id                    = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
            RoleScopeTagIds       = @("0");
            ApplicationId         = $ApplicationId;
            TenantId              = $TenantId;
            CertificateThumbprint = $CertificateThumbprint;

Example 2

This example updates a Device Control Policy.

Configuration Example


    Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC

    node localhost
        IntuneDeviceControlPolicyWindows10 'ConfigureDeviceControlPolicy'
            AllowStorageCard      = "1";
            Assignments           = @(
                    deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterType = 'none'
                    dataType = '#microsoft.graph.groupAssignmentTarget'
                    groupId = '11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111'
            Description           = 'Description'
            DisplayName           = "Device Control";
            DeviceInstall_IDs_Allow      = "1";
            DeviceInstall_IDs_Allow_List = @("1234");
            PolicyRule                   = @(
                    Name = 'asdf'
                    Entry = @(
                            AccessMask = @(
                            Sid = '1234'
                            ComputerSid = '1234'
                            Type = 'deny' # Updated property
                            Options = '4'
            Ensure                = "Present";
            Id                    = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
            RoleScopeTagIds       = @("0");
            ApplicationId         = $ApplicationId;
            TenantId              = $TenantId;
            CertificateThumbprint = $CertificateThumbprint;

Example 3

This example removes a Device Control Policy.

Configuration Example


    Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC

    node localhost
        IntuneDeviceControlPolicyWindows10 'ConfigureDeviceControlPolicy'
            Id          = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
            DisplayName = 'Device Control'
            Ensure      = 'Absent'
            ApplicationId         = $ApplicationId;
            TenantId              = $TenantId;
            CertificateThumbprint = $CertificateThumbprint;