

Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
IsSingleInstance Key String Specifies the resource is a single instance, the value must be 'Yes'. Yes
AddressBookPolicyRoutingEnabled Write Boolean The AddressBookPolicyRoutingEnabled parameter controls how recipients are resolved in an organization that uses address book policies to create separate virtual organizations within the same Exchange organization.
AllowLegacyTLSClients Write Boolean Allow legacy TLS clients
ClearCategories Write Boolean The ClearCategories parameter keeps or removes Microsoft Outlook message categories during content conversion.
ConvertDisclaimerWrapperToEml Write Boolean The ConvertDisclaimerWrapperToEml parameter specifies whether the original message will be added as a TNEF attachment or a regular EML attachment to a disclaimer.
DSNConversionMode Write String The DSNConversionMode parameter controls how Exchange handles delivery status notifications that are generated by earlier versions of Exchange or other messaging systems.
ExternalDelayDsnEnabled Write Boolean The ExternalDelayDsnEnabled parameter specifies whether a delay delivery status notification (DSN) message should be created for external messages that couldn't be immediately delivered.
ExternalDsnDefaultLanguage Write String The ExternalDsnDefaultLanguage parameter specifies which Exchange server language should be used by default when you create external DSN messages.
ExternalDsnLanguageDetectionEnabled Write Boolean The ExternalDsnLanguageDetectionEnabled parameter specifies whether the server should try to send an external DSN message in the same language as the original message that generated the notification.
ExternalDsnReportingAuthority Write String The ExternalDsnReportingAuthority parameter specifies the domain in the machine-readable part of external DSN messages.
ExternalDsnSendHtml Write Boolean The ExternalDsnSendHtml parameter specifies whether external DSN messages should be HTML or plain text.
ExternalPostmasterAddress Write String The ExternalPostmasterAddress parameter specifies the email address in the From header field of an external DSN message.
HeaderPromotionModeSetting Write String The HeaderPromotionModeSetting parameter specifies whether named properties are created for custom X-headers on messages received.
InternalDelayDsnEnabled Write Boolean The InternalDelayDsnEnabled parameter specifies whether a delay DSN message should be created for messages sent to or from recipients or senders in the same Exchange organization that couldn't be immediately delivered.
InternalDsnDefaultLanguage Write String The InternalDsnDefaultLanguage parameter specifies which Exchange server language should be used by default when you create internal DSN messages.
InternalDsnLanguageDetectionEnabled Write Boolean The InternalDsnLanguageDetectionEnabled parameter specifies whether the server should try to send an internal DSN message in the same language as the original message that generated the notification.
InternalDsnReportingAuthority Write String The InternalDsnReportingAuthority parameter specifies the domain in the machine-readable part of internal DSN messages.
InternalDsnSendHtml Write Boolean The InternalDsnSendHtml parameter specifies whether internal DSN messages should be HTML or plain text.
JournalMessageExpirationDays Write SInt32 The JournalMessageExpirationDays parameter extends the number of days that undeliverable journal reports are queued before they expire.
JournalingReportNdrTo Write String The JournalingReportNdrTo parameter specifies the email address to which journal reports are sent if the journaling mailbox is unavailable. Once set, it cannot be reset to blank again.
MaxRecipientEnvelopeLimit Write String The MaxRecipientEnvelopeLimit parameter specifies the maximum number of recipients in a message.
ReplyAllStormBlockDurationHours Write SInt32 Reply all storm block duration hours.
ReplyAllStormDetectionMinimumRecipients Write SInt32 Reply all storm detection minimum recipients.
ReplyAllStormDetectionMinimumReplies Write SInt32 Reply all storm detection minimum replies.
ReplyAllStormProtectionEnabled Write Boolean Reply all storm protection enabled.
Rfc2231EncodingEnabled Write Boolean The Rfc2231EncodingEnabled parameter specifies whether the RFC 2231 encoding of MIME parameters for outbound messages is enabled in your organization.
SmtpClientAuthenticationDisabled Write Boolean The SmtpClientAuthenticationDisabled parameter specifies whether to disable authenticated SMTP (SMTP AUTH) for the whole organization.
Credential Write PSCredential Credentials of the Exchange Global Admin
ApplicationId Write String Id of the Azure Active Directory application to authenticate with.
TenantId Write String Id of the Azure Active Directory tenant used for authentication.
CertificateThumbprint Write String Thumbprint of the Azure Active Directory application's authentication certificate to use for authentication.
CertificatePassword Write PSCredential Username can be made up to anything but password will be used for CertificatePassword
CertificatePath Write String Path to certificate used in service principal usually a PFX file.
ManagedIdentity Write Boolean Managed ID being used for authentication.
AccessTokens Write StringArray[] Access token used for authentication.


This resource configures the Exchange Online transport settings.



To authenticate with Microsoft Exchange, this resource required the following permissions:


  • Organization Transport Settings, View-Only Configuration, Journaling

Role Groups

  • Organization Management


Example 1

This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on. It is not meant to use as a production baseline.

Configuration Example


    Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC

    node localhost
        EXOTransportConfig  'EXOTransportConfig '
            IsSingleInstance                        = "Yes";
            AddressBookPolicyRoutingEnabled         = $True;
            ClearCategories                         = $True;
            ConvertDisclaimerWrapperToEml           = $False;
            DSNConversionMode                       = "PreserveDSNBody";
            ExternalDelayDsnEnabled                 = $True;
            ExternalDsnLanguageDetectionEnabled     = $True;
            ExternalDsnSendHtml                     = $True;
            ExternalPostmasterAddress               = "postmaster@contoso.com";
            HeaderPromotionModeSetting              = "NoCreate";
            InternalDelayDsnEnabled                 = $True;
            InternalDsnLanguageDetectionEnabled     = $True;
            InternalDsnSendHtml                     = $True;
            JournalingReportNdrTo                   = "<>";
            JournalMessageExpirationDays            = 0;
            MaxRecipientEnvelopeLimit               = "Unlimited";
            ReplyAllStormBlockDurationHours         = 6;
            ReplyAllStormDetectionMinimumRecipients = 2500;
            ReplyAllStormDetectionMinimumReplies    = 10;
            ReplyAllStormProtectionEnabled          = $True;
            Rfc2231EncodingEnabled                  = $False;
            SmtpClientAuthenticationDisabled        = $True;
            ApplicationId         = $ApplicationId
            TenantId              = $TenantId
            CertificateThumbprint = $CertificateThumbprint