

Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
IsSingleInstance Key String Only valid value is 'Yes'. Yes
ActivityBasedAuthenticationTimeoutEnabled Write Boolean The ActivityBasedAuthenticationTimeoutEnabled parameter specifies whether the timed logoff feature is enabled. The default value is $true
ActivityBasedAuthenticationTimeoutInterval Write String The ActivityBasedAuthenticationTimeoutInterval parameter specifies the time span for logoff. You enter this value as a time span: hh:mm:ss where hh = hours, mm = minutes and ss = seconds. Valid values for this parameter are from 00:05:00 to 08:00:00 (5 minutes to 8 hours). The default value is 06:00:00 (6 hours).
ActivityBasedAuthenticationTimeoutWithSingleSignOnEnabled Write Boolean The ActivityBasedAuthenticationTimeoutWithSingleSignOnEnabled parameter specifies whether to keep single sign-on enabled. The default value is $true.
AppsForOfficeEnabled Write Boolean The AppsForOfficeEnabled parameter specifies whether to enable apps for Outlook features. By default, the parameter is set to $true. If the flag is set to $false, no new apps can be activated for any user in the organization.
AsyncSendEnabled Write Boolean The AsyncSendEnabled parameter specifies whether to enable or disable async send in Outlook on the web.
AuditDisabled Write Boolean The AuditDisabled parameter specifies whether to disable or enable mailbox auditing for the organization.
AutodiscoverPartialDirSync Write Boolean Setting this parameter to $true will cause unknown users to be redirected to the on-premises endpoint and will allow on-premises users to discover their mailbox automatically.
AutoExpandingArchive Write Boolean The AutoExpandingArchive switch enables the unlimited archiving feature (called auto-expanding archiving) in an Exchange Online organization. You don't need to specify a value with this switch.
BlockMoveMessagesForGroupFolders Write Boolean No description available for BlockMoveMessagesForGroupFolders
BookingsAddressEntryRestricted Write Boolean The BookingsAddressEntryRestricted parameter specifies whether addresses can be collected from Bookings customers.
BookingsAuthEnabled Write Boolean The BookingsAuthEnabled parameter specifies whether to enforce authentication to access all published Bookings pages.
BookingsBlockedWordsEnabled Write Boolean No description available for BookingsBlockedWordsEnabled
BookingsCreationOfCustomQuestionsRestricted Write Boolean The BookingsCreationOfCustomQuestionsRestricted parameter specifies whether Bookings admins can add custom questions.
BookingsEnabled Write Boolean The BookingsEnabled parameter specifies whether to enable Microsoft Bookings in an organization.
BookingsExposureOfStaffDetailsRestricted Write Boolean The BookingsExposureOfStaffDetailsRestricted parameter specifies whether the attributes of internal Bookings staff members are visible to external Bookings customers.
BookingsMembershipApprovalRequired Write Boolean The BookingsMembershipApprovalRequired parameter enables a membership approval requirement when new staff members are added to Bookings calendars.
BookingsNamingPolicyEnabled Write Boolean No description available for BookingsNamingPolicyEnabled
BookingsNamingPolicyPrefix Write String No description available for BookingsNamingPolicyPrefix
BookingsNamingPolicyPrefixEnabled Write Boolean No description available for BookingsNamingPolicyPrefixEnabled
BookingsNamingPolicySuffix Write String No description available for BookingsNamingPolicySuffix
BookingsNamingPolicySuffixEnabled Write Boolean No description available for BookingsNamingPolicySuffixEnabled
BookingsNotesEntryRestricted Write Boolean The BookingsNotesEntryRestricted parameter specifies whether appointment notes can be collected from Bookings customers.
BookingsPaymentsEnabled Write Boolean The BookingsPaymentsEnabled parameter specifies whether to enable online payment node inside Bookings.
BookingsPhoneNumberEntryRestricted Write Boolean The BookingsPhoneNumberEntryRestricted parameter specifies whether phone numbers can be collected from Bookings customers.
BookingsSearchEngineIndexDisabled Write Boolean No description available for BookingsSearchEngineIndexDisabled
BookingsSmsMicrosoftEnabled Write Boolean No description available for BookingsSmsMicrosoftEnabled
BookingsSocialSharingRestricted Write Boolean The BookingsSocialSharingRestricted parameter allows you to control whether, or not, your users can see social sharing options inside Bookings.
ByteEncoderTypeFor7BitCharsets Write UInt32 The ByteEncoderTypeFor7BitCharsets parameter specifies the 7-bit transfer encoding method for MIME format for messages sent to this remote domain.
ComplianceMLBgdCrawlEnabled Write Boolean No description available for ComplianceMLBgdCrawlEnabled
ConnectorsActionableMessagesEnabled Write Boolean The ConnectorsActionableMessagesEnabled parameter specifies whether to enable or disable actionable buttons in messages (connector cards) from connected apps on Outlook on the web.
ConnectorsEnabled Write Boolean The ConnectorsEnabled parameter specifies whether to enable or disable all connected apps in organization.
ConnectorsEnabledForOutlook Write Boolean The ConnectorsEnabledForOutlook parameter specifies whether to enable or disable connected apps in Outlook on the web.
ConnectorsEnabledForSharepoint Write Boolean The ConnectorsEnabledForSharepoint parameter specifies whether to enable or disable connected apps on Sharepoint.
ConnectorsEnabledForTeams Write Boolean The ConnectorsEnabledForTeams parameter specifies whether to enable or disable connected apps on Teams.
ConnectorsEnabledForYammer Write Boolean The ConnectorsEnabledForYammer parameter specifies whether to enable or disable connected apps on Yammer.
CustomerLockboxEnabled Write Boolean Enable Customer Lockbox.
DefaultAuthenticationPolicy Write String The DefaultAuthenticationPolicy parameter specifies the authentication policy that's used for the whole organization. You can use any value that uniquely identifies the policy.
DefaultGroupAccessType Write String The DefaultGroupAccessType parameter specifies the default access type for Office 365 groups. Private, Public
DefaultMinutesToReduceLongEventsBy Write UInt32 The DefaultMinutesToReduceLongEventsBy parameter specifies the number of minutes to reduce calendar events by if the events are 60 minutes or longer.
DefaultMinutesToReduceShortEventsBy Write UInt32 The DefaultMinutesToReduceShortEventsBy parameter specifies the number of minutes to reduce calendar events by if the events are less than 60 minutes long.
DefaultPublicFolderAgeLimit Write String The DefaultPublicFolderAgeLimit parameter specifies the default age limit for the contents of public folders across the entire organization. Content in a public folder is automatically deleted when this age limit is exceeded. This attribute applies to all public folders in the organization that don't have their own AgeLimit setting. To specify a value, enter it as a time span: dd.hh:mm:ss where d = days, h = hours, m = minutes, and s = seconds. Or, enter the value $null. The default value is blank ($null).
DefaultPublicFolderDeletedItemRetention Write String The DefaultPublicFolderDeletedItemRetention parameter specifies the default value of the length of time to retain deleted items for public folders across the entire organization. This attribute applies to all public folders in the organization that don't have their own RetainDeletedItemsFor attribute set.
DefaultPublicFolderIssueWarningQuota Write String The DefaultPublicFolderIssueWarningQuota parameter specifies the default value across the entire organization for the public folder size at which a warning message is sent to this folder's owners, warning that the public folder is almost full. This attribute applies to all public folders within the organization that don't have their own warning quota attribute set. The default value of this attribute is unlimited. The valid input range for this parameter is from 0 through 2199023254529 bytes(2 TB). If you enter a value of unlimited, no size limit is imposed on the public folder.
DefaultPublicFolderMaxItemSize Write String The DefaultPublicFolderMaxItemSize parameter specifies the default maximum size for posted items within public folders across the entire organization. Items larger than the value of the DefaultPublicFolderMaxItemSize parameter are rejected. This attribute applies to all public folders within the organization that don't have their own MaxItemSize attribute set. The default value of this attribute is unlimited.
DefaultPublicFolderMovedItemRetention Write String The DefaultPublicFolderMovedItemRetention parameter specifies how long items that have been moved between mailboxes are kept in the source mailbox for recovery purposes before being removed by the Public Folder Assistant.
DefaultPublicFolderProhibitPostQuota Write String The DefaultPublicFolderProhibitPostQuota parameter specifies the size of a public folder at which users are notified that the public folder is full. Users can't post to a folder whose size is larger than the DefaultPublicFolderProhibitPostQuota parameter value. The default value of this attribute is unlimited.
DirectReportsGroupAutoCreationEnabled Write Boolean The DirectReportsGroupAutoCreationEnabled parameter specifies whether to enable or disable the automatic creation of direct report Office 365 groups.
DisablePlusAddressInRecipients Write Boolean The DisablePlusAddressInRecipients parameter specifies whether to enable or disable plus addressing (also known as subaddressing) for Exchange Online mailboxes.
DistributionGroupDefaultOU Write String The DistributionGroupDefaultOU parameter specifies the container where distribution groups are created by default.
DistributionGroupNameBlockedWordsList Write StringArray[] The DistributionGroupNameBlockedWordsList parameter specifies words that can't be included in the names of distribution groups. Separate multiple values with commas.
DistributionGroupNamingPolicy Write String The DistributionGroupNamingPolicy parameter specifies the template applied to the name of distribution groups that are created in the organization. You can enforce that a prefix or suffix be applied to all distribution groups. Prefixes and suffixes can be either a string or an attribute, and you can combine strings and attributes.
ElcProcessingDisabled Write Boolean The ElcProcessingDisabled parameter specifies whether to enable or disable the processing of mailboxes by the Managed Folder Assistant.
EnableOutlookEvents Write Boolean The EnableOutlookEvents parameter specifies whether Outlook or Outlook on the web automatically discovers events from email messages and adds them to user calendars.
EndUserDLUpgradeFlowsDisabled Write Boolean The EndUserDLUpgradeFlowsDisabled parameter specifies whether to prevent users from upgrading their own distribution groups to Office 365 groups in an Exchange Online organization.
EwsAllowEntourage Write Boolean The EwsAllowEntourage parameter specifies whether to enable or disable Entourage 2008 to access Exchange Web Services (EWS) for the entire organization.
EwsAllowList Write StringArray[] The EwsAllowList parameter specifies the applications that are allowed to access EWS or REST when the EwsApplicationAccessPolicy parameter is set to EwsAllowList. Other applications that aren't specified by this parameter aren't allowed to access EWS or REST. You identify the application by its user agent string value. Wildcard characters (*) are supported.
EwsAllowMacOutlook Write Boolean The EwsAllowMacOutlook parameter enables or disables access to mailboxes by Outlook for Mac clients that use Exchange Web Services (for example, Outlook for Mac 2011 or later).
EwsAllowOutlook Write Boolean The EwsAllowOutlook parameter enables or disables access to mailboxes by Outlook clients that use Exchange Web Services. Outlook uses Exchange Web Services for free/busy, out-of-office settings, and calendar sharing.
EwsApplicationAccessPolicy Write String The EwsApplicationAccessPolicy parameter specifies the client applications that have access to EWS and REST. EnforceAllowList, EnforceBlockList
EwsBlockList Write StringArray[] The EwsBlockList parameter specifies the applications that aren't allowed to access EWS or REST when the EwsApplicationAccessPolicy parameter is set to EnforceBlockList. All other applications that aren't specified by this parameter are allowed to access EWS or REST. You identify the application by its user agent string value. Wildcard characters (*) are supported.
EwsEnabled Write Boolean The EwsEnabled parameter specifies whether to globally enable or disable EWS access for the entire organization, regardless of what application is making the request.
ExchangeNotificationEnabled Write Boolean The ExchangeNotificationEnabled parameter enables or disables Exchange notifications sent to administrators regarding their organizations. Valid input for this parameter is $true or $false.
ExchangeNotificationRecipients Write StringArray[] The ExchangeNotificationRecipients parameter specifies the recipients for Exchange notifications sent to administrators regarding their organizations. If the ExchangeNotificationEnabled parameter is set to $false, no notification messages are sent. Be sure to enclose values that contain spaces in quotation marks and separate multiple values with commas. If this parameter isn't set, Exchange notifications are sent to all administrators.
FindTimeAttendeeAuthenticationEnabled Write Boolean The FindTimeAttendeeAuthenticationEnabled parameter controls whether attendees are required to verify their identity in meeting polls using the FindTime Outlook add-in.
FindTimeAutoScheduleDisabled Write Boolean The FindTimeAutoScheduleDisabled parameter controls automatically scheduling the meeting once a consensus is reached in meeting polls using the FindTime Outlook add-in.
FindTimeLockPollForAttendeesEnabled Write Boolean The FindTimeLockPollForAttendeesEnabled controls whether the Lock poll for attendees setting is managed by the organization.
FindTimeOnlineMeetingOptionDisabled Write Boolean The FindTimeOnlineMeetingOptionDisabled parameter controls the availability of the Online meeting checkbox for Teams in meeting polls using the FindTime Outlook add-in.
FocusedInboxOn Write Boolean The FocusedInboxOn parameter enables or disables Focused Inbox for the organization.
HierarchicalAddressBookRoot Write String The HierarchicalAddressBookRoot parameter specifies the user, contact, or group to be used as the root organization for a hierarchical address book in the Exchange organization. You can use any value that uniquely identifies the recipient.
IPListBlocked Write StringArray[] The IPListBlocked parameter specifies the blocked IP addresses that aren't allowed to connect to Exchange Online organization. These settings affect client connections that use Basic authentication where on-premises Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) servers federate authentication with Azure Active Directory. Note that the new settings might take up to 4 hours to fully propagate across the service.
IsGroupFoldersAndRulesEnabled Write Boolean No description available for IsGroupFoldersAndRulesEnabled
IsGroupMemberAllowedToEditContent Write Boolean No description available for IsGroupMemberAllowedToEditContent
LeanPopoutEnabled Write Boolean The LeanPopoutEnabled parameter specifies whether to enable faster loading of pop-out messages in Outlook on the web for Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge.
LinkPreviewEnabled Write Boolean The LinkPreviewEnabled parameter specifies whether link preview of URLs in email messages is allowed for the organization.
MailTipsAllTipsEnabled Write Boolean The MailTipsAllTipsEnabled parameter specifies whether MailTips are enabled. The default value is $true.
MailTipsExternalRecipientsTipsEnabled Write Boolean The MailTipsExternalRecipientsTipsEnabled parameter specifies whether MailTips for external recipients are enabled. The default value is $false.
MailTipsGroupMetricsEnabled Write Boolean The MailTipsGroupMetricsEnabled parameter specifies whether MailTips that rely on group metrics data are enabled. The default value is $true.
MailTipsLargeAudienceThreshold Write UInt32 The MailTipsLargeAudienceThreshold parameter specifies what a large audience is. The default value is 25.
MailTipsMailboxSourcedTipsEnabled Write Boolean The MailTipsMailboxSourcedTipsEnabled parameter specifies whether MailTips that rely on mailbox data (out-of-office or full mailbox) are enabled.
MaskClientIpInReceivedHeadersEnabled Write Boolean No description available for MaskClientIpInReceivedHeadersEnabled.
MatchSenderOrganizerProperties Write Boolean No description available for MatchSenderOrganizerProperties.
MessageHighlightsEnabled Write Boolean No description available for MessageHighlightsEnabled.
MessageRecallEnabled Write Boolean The MessageRecallEnabled parameter enables or disables the message recall feature in the organization.
MessageRemindersEnabled Write Boolean The MessageRemindersEnabled parameter enables or disables the message reminders feature in the organization.
MobileAppEducationEnabled Write Boolean The MobileAppEducationEnabled specifies whether to show or hide the Outlook for iOS and Android education reminder in Outlook on the web.
OAuth2ClientProfileEnabled Write Boolean The OAuth2ClientProfileEnabled parameter enables or disables modern authentication in the Exchange organization.
OnlineMeetingsByDefaultEnabled Write Boolean The OnlineMeetingsByDefaultEnabled parameter specifies whether to set all meetings as Teams by default during meeting creation.
OutlookGifPickerDisabled Write Boolean The OutlookGifPickerDisabled parameter disables the GIF Search (powered by Bing) feature that's built into the Compose page in Outlook on the web.
OutlookMobileGCCRestrictionsEnabled Write Boolean The OutlookMobileGCCRestrictionsEnabled parameter specifies whether to enable or disable features within Outlook for iOS and Android that are not FedRAMP compliant for Office 365 US Government Community Cloud (GCC) customers.
OutlookPayEnabled Write Boolean The OutlookPayEnabled parameter enables or disables Payments in Outlook in the Office 365 organization.
OutlookTextPredictionDisabled Write Boolean No description available for OutlookTextPredictionDisabled.
PublicComputersDetectionEnabled Write Boolean The PublicComputersDetectionEnabled parameter specifies whether Outlook on the web will detect when a user signs from a public or private computer or network, and then enforces the attachment handling settings from public networks. The default is $false. However, if you set this parameter to $true, Outlook on the web will determine if the user is signing in from a public computer, and all public attachment handling rules will be applied and enforced.
PublicFoldersEnabled Write String The PublicFoldersEnabled parameter specifies how public folders are deployed in your organization. None, Local, Remote
PublicFolderShowClientControl Write Boolean The PublicFolderShowClientControl parameter enables or disables access to public folders in Microsoft Outlook.
ReadTrackingEnabled Write Boolean The ReadTrackingEnabled parameter specifies whether the tracking for read status for messages in an organization is enabled. The default value is $false.
RecallReadMessagesEnabled Write Boolean No description available for RecallReadMessagesEnabled.
RemotePublicFolderMailboxes Write StringArray[] The RemotePublicFolderMailboxes parameter specifies the identities of the public folder objects (represented as mail user objects locally) corresponding to the public folder mailboxes created in the remote forest. The public folder values set here are used only if the public folder deployment is a remote deployment.
SendFromAliasEnabled Write Boolean The SendFromAliasEnabled parameter allows mailbox users to send messages using aliases (proxy addresses). It does this by disabling the rewriting of aliases to their primary SMTP address. This change is implemented in the Exchange Online service
SharedDomainEmailAddressFlowEnabled Write Boolean No description available for SharedDomainEmailAddressFlowEnabled.
ShortenEventScopeDefault Write String The ShortenEventScopeDefault parameter specifies whether calendar events start late or end early in the organization.
SiteMailboxCreationURL Write String The SiteMailboxCreationURL parameter specifies the URL that's used to create site mailboxes. Site mailboxes improve collaboration and user productivity by allowing access to both SharePoint documents and Exchange email in Outlook 2013 or later.
SmtpActionableMessagesEnabled Write Boolean The SmtpActionableMessagesEnabled parameter specifies whether to enable or disable action buttons in email messages in Outlook on the web.
VisibleMeetingUpdateProperties Write String The VisibleMeetingUpdateProperties parameter specifies whether meeting message updates will be auto-processed on behalf of attendees. Auto-processed updates are applied to the attendee's calendar item, and then the meeting message is moved to the deleted items. The attendee never sees the update in their inbox, but their calendar is updated.
WebPushNotificationsDisabled Write Boolean The WebPushNotificationsDisabled parameter specifies whether to enable or disable Web Push Notifications in Outlook on the Web. This feature provides web push notifications which appear on a user's desktop while the user is not using Outlook on the Web. This brings awareness of incoming messages while they are working elsewhere on their computer.
WebSuggestedRepliesDisabled Write Boolean The WebSuggestedRepliesDisabled parameter specifies whether to enable or disable Suggested Replies in Outlook on the web. This feature provides suggested replies to emails so users can easily and quickly respond to messages.
WorkspaceTenantEnabled Write Boolean The WorkspaceTenantEnabled parameter enables or disables workspace booking in the organization.
Credential Write PSCredential Credentials of the Exchange Global Admin
ApplicationId Write String Id of the Azure Active Directory application to authenticate with.
TenantId Write String Id of the Azure Active Directory tenant used for authentication.
CertificateThumbprint Write String Thumbprint of the Azure Active Directory application's authentication certificate to use for authentication.
CertificatePassword Write PSCredential Username can be made up to anything but password will be used for CertificatePassword
CertificatePath Write String Path to certificate used in service principal usually a PFX file.
ManagedIdentity Write Boolean Managed ID being used for authentication.
AccessTokens Write StringArray[] Access token used for authentication.


This resource configures the Exchange Online organization-wide settings.



To authenticate with Microsoft Exchange, this resource required the following permissions:


  • Mail Tips, View-Only Configuration, Organization Configuration, Federated Sharing, Public Folders, Team Mailboxes, Compliance Admin, Recipient Policies, Remote and Accepted Domains, Distribution Groups, Mail Recipients

Role Groups

  • Organization Management


Example 1

This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on. It is not meant to use as a production baseline.

Configuration Example


    Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC

    node localhost
        EXOOrganizationConfig 'EXOOrganizationConfig'
            IsSingleInstance                                          = "Yes"
            ElcProcessingDisabled                                     = $False
            DefaultPublicFolderProhibitPostQuota                      = "13 KB (13,312 bytes)"
            VisibleMeetingUpdateProperties                            = "Location,AllProperties:15"
            BookingsEnabled                                           = $True
            ExchangeNotificationRecipients                            = @()
            EwsEnabled                                                = $null
            LinkPreviewEnabled                                        = $True
            FocusedInboxOn                                            = $null
            AsyncSendEnabled                                          = $True
            EwsAllowEntourage                                         = $null
            RemotePublicFolderMailboxes                               = @()
            AuditDisabled                                             = $False
            EwsAllowMacOutlook                                        = $null
            ConnectorsEnabledForTeams                                 = $True
            DefaultPublicFolderIssueWarningQuota                      = "13 KB (13,312 bytes)"
            MailTipsMailboxSourcedTipsEnabled                         = $True
            EndUserDLUpgradeFlowsDisabled                             = $False
            DistributionGroupDefaultOU                                = $null
            OutlookPayEnabled                                         = $True
            EwsAllowOutlook                                           = $null
            DefaultAuthenticationPolicy                               = $null
            DistributionGroupNameBlockedWordsList                     = @()
            ConnectorsEnabled                                         = $True
            DefaultPublicFolderAgeLimit                               = $null
            OutlookMobileGCCRestrictionsEnabled                       = $False
            ActivityBasedAuthenticationTimeoutEnabled                 = $True
            ConnectorsEnabledForYammer                                = $True
            HierarchicalAddressBookRoot                               = $null
            DefaultPublicFolderMaxItemSize                            = "13 KB (13,312 bytes)"
            MailTipsLargeAudienceThreshold                            = 25
            ConnectorsActionableMessagesEnabled                       = $True
            ExchangeNotificationEnabled                               = $True
            ActivityBasedAuthenticationTimeoutWithSingleSignOnEnabled = $True
            DirectReportsGroupAutoCreationEnabled                     = $False
            OAuth2ClientProfileEnabled                                = $True
            AppsForOfficeEnabled                                      = $True
            PublicFoldersEnabled                                      = "Local"
            WebPushNotificationsDisabled                              = $False
            MailTipsGroupMetricsEnabled                               = $True
            DefaultPublicFolderMovedItemRetention                     = "07.00:00:00"
            DistributionGroupNamingPolicy                             = ""
            DefaultPublicFolderDeletedItemRetention                   = "30.00:00:00"
            MailTipsAllTipsEnabled                                    = $True
            LeanPopoutEnabled                                         = $False
            PublicComputersDetectionEnabled                           = $False
            ByteEncoderTypeFor7BitCharsets                            = 0
            ConnectorsEnabledForOutlook                               = $True
            WebSuggestedRepliesDisabled                               = $False
            PublicFolderShowClientControl                             = $False
            ActivityBasedAuthenticationTimeoutInterval                = "06:00:00"
            BookingsSocialSharingRestricted                           = $False
            DefaultGroupAccessType                                    = "Private"
            IPListBlocked                                             = @()
            SmtpActionableMessagesEnabled                             = $True
            SiteMailboxCreationURL                                    = $null
            BookingsPaymentsEnabled                                   = $False
            MailTipsExternalRecipientsTipsEnabled                     = $False
            AutoExpandingArchive                                      = $null
            ConnectorsEnabledForSharepoint                            = $True
            ReadTrackingEnabled                                       = $False
            ApplicationId         = $ApplicationId
            TenantId              = $TenantId
            CertificateThumbprint = $CertificateThumbprint