

Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
Credential Write PSCredential Credentials of the workload's Admin
ApplicationId Write String Id of the Azure Active Directory application to authenticate with.
TenantId Write String Id of the Azure Active Directory tenant used for authentication.
CertificateThumbprint Write String Thumbprint of the Azure Active Directory application's authentication certificate to use for authentication.
ManagedIdentity Write Boolean Managed ID being used for authentication.
AccessTokens Write StringArray[] Access token used for authentication.
Identity Key String Specifies the mailbox identity.
AgendaMailIntroductionEnabled Write Boolean Enables or disables agenda mail introduction.
AutoDeclineWhenBusy Write Boolean Automatically declines meeting requests when the user is busy.
CalendarFeedsPreferredLanguage Write String Preferred language for calendar feeds.
CalendarFeedsPreferredRegion Write String Preferred region for calendar feeds.
CalendarFeedsRootPageId Write String Root page ID for calendar feeds.
ConversationalSchedulingEnabled Write Boolean Enables or disables conversational scheduling.
CreateEventsFromEmailAsPrivate Write Boolean Creates events from email as private.
DefaultMinutesToReduceLongEventsBy Write UInt32 Default minutes to reduce long events by.
DefaultMinutesToReduceShortEventsBy Write UInt32 Default minutes to reduce short events by.
DefaultOnlineMeetingProvider Write String Default online meeting provider.
DefaultReminderTime Write String Default reminder time.
DeleteMeetingRequestOnRespond Write Boolean Deletes meeting request on respond.
DiningEventsFromEmailEnabled Write Boolean Enables or disables dining events from email.
EntertainmentEventsFromEmailEnabled Write Boolean Enables or disables entertainment events from email.
EventsFromEmailEnabled Write Boolean Enables or disables events from email.
FirstWeekOfYear Write String Specifies the first week of the year.
FlightEventsFromEmailEnabled Write Boolean Enables or disables flight events from email.
HotelEventsFromEmailEnabled Write Boolean Enables or disables hotel events from email.
InvoiceEventsFromEmailEnabled Write Boolean Enables or disables invoice events from email.
LocationDetailsInFreeBusy Write String Specifies location details in free/busy information.
MailboxLocation Write String Specifies the mailbox location.
OnlineMeetingsByDefaultEnabled Write Boolean Enables or disables online meetings by default.
PackageDeliveryEventsFromEmailEnabled Write Boolean Enables or disables package delivery events from email.
PreserveDeclinedMeetings Write Boolean Preserves declined meetings.
RemindersEnabled Write Boolean Enables or disables reminders.
ReminderSoundEnabled Write Boolean Enables or disables reminder sound.
RentalCarEventsFromEmailEnabled Write Boolean Enables or disables rental car events from email.
ServiceAppointmentEventsFromEmailEnabled Write Boolean Enables or disables service appointment events from email.
ShortenEventScopeDefault Write String Specifies the default scope for shortening events.
ShowWeekNumbers Write Boolean Shows or hides week numbers.
TimeIncrement Write String Specifies the time increment for calendar events.
UseBrightCalendarColorThemeInOwa Write Boolean Uses a bright calendar color theme in Outlook on the web.
WeatherEnabled Write String Enables or disables weather information.
WeatherLocationBookmark Write UInt32 Specifies the weather location bookmark.
WeatherLocations Write StringArray[] Specifies the weather locations.
WeatherUnit Write String Specifies the weather unit.
WeekStartDay Write String Specifies the start day of the week.
WorkDays Write String Specifies the work days.
WorkingHoursEndTime Write String Specifies the end time of working hours.
WorkingHoursStartTime Write String Specifies the start time of working hours.
WorkingHoursTimeZone Write String Specifies the time zone for working hours.
WorkspaceUserEnabled Write Boolean Enables or disables workspace user.
Ensure Write String Ensures the presence or absence of the configuration.


This resource allows users to manage mailbox calendar settings.



To authenticate with Microsoft Exchange, this resource required the following permissions:


  • Organization Management, Recipient Management

Role Groups

  • Organization Management, Help Desk


Example 1

This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on. It is not meant to use as a production baseline.

Configuration Example


    Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC
    node localhost
        EXOMailboxCalendarConfiguration "EXOMailboxCalendarConfiguration-Test"
            AgendaMailIntroductionEnabled            = $True;
            AutoDeclineWhenBusy                      = $False;
            ConversationalSchedulingEnabled          = $True;
            CreateEventsFromEmailAsPrivate           = $True;
            DefaultMinutesToReduceLongEventsBy       = 10;
            DefaultMinutesToReduceShortEventsBy      = 6; # Updated Property
            DefaultOnlineMeetingProvider             = "TeamsForBusiness";
            DefaultReminderTime                      = "00:15:00";
            DeleteMeetingRequestOnRespond            = $True;
            DiningEventsFromEmailEnabled             = $True;
            Ensure                                   = "Present";
            EntertainmentEventsFromEmailEnabled      = $True;
            EventsFromEmailEnabled                   = $True;
            FirstWeekOfYear                          = "FirstDay";
            FlightEventsFromEmailEnabled             = $True;
            HotelEventsFromEmailEnabled              = $True;
            Identity                                 = "admin@$TenantId";
            InvoiceEventsFromEmailEnabled            = $True;
            LocationDetailsInFreeBusy                = "Desk";
            PackageDeliveryEventsFromEmailEnabled    = $False;
            PreserveDeclinedMeetings                 = $False;
            RemindersEnabled                         = $True;
            ReminderSoundEnabled                     = $True;
            RentalCarEventsFromEmailEnabled          = $True;
            ServiceAppointmentEventsFromEmailEnabled = $True;
            ShortenEventScopeDefault                 = "None";
            ShowWeekNumbers                          = $False;
            TimeIncrement                            = "ThirtyMinutes";
            UseBrightCalendarColorThemeInOwa         = $False;
            WeatherEnabled                           = "FirstRun";
            WeatherLocationBookmark                  = 0;
            WeatherLocations                         = @();
            WeatherUnit                              = "Default";
            WeekStartDay                             = "Sunday";
            WorkDays                                 = "Monday, Tuesday";
            WorkingHoursEndTime                      = "17:00:00";
            WorkingHoursStartTime                    = "08:00:00";
            WorkingHoursTimeZone                     = "Pacific Standard Time";
            WorkspaceUserEnabled                     = $False;
            ApplicationId                            = $ApplicationId
            TenantId                                 = $TenantId
            CertificateThumbprint                    = $CertificateThumbprint