

Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
Name Key String The Name parameter specifies a unique name for the mail contact.
ExternalEmailAddress Required String The ExternalEmailAddress parameter specifies the target email address of the mail contact or mail user. By default, this value is used as the primary email address of the mail contact or mail user.
Alias Write String The Alias parameter specifies the Exchange alias (also known as the mail nickname) for the recipient. This value identifies the recipient as a mail-enabled object, and shouldn't be confused with multiple email addresses for the same recipient (also known as proxy addresses). A recipient can have only one Alias value. The maximum length is 64 characters.
DisplayName Write String The DisplayName parameter specifies the display name of the mail contact. The display name is visible in the Exchange admin center and in address lists.
FirstName Write String The FirstName parameter specifies the user's first name.
Initials Write String The Initials parameter specifies the user's middle initials.
LastName Write String The LastName parameter specifies the user's last name.
MacAttachmentFormat Write String The MacAttachmentFormat parameter specifies the Apple Macintosh operating system attachment format to use for messages sent to the mail contact or mail user. Valid values are: BinHex, UuEncode, AppleSingle, AppleDouble BinHex, UuEncode, AppleSingle, AppleDouble
MessageBodyFormat Write String The MessageBodyFormat parameter specifies the message body format for messages sent to the mail contact or mail user. Valid values are: Text, Html, TextAndHtml Text, Html, TextAndHtml
MessageFormat Write String The MessageFormat parameter specifies the message format for messages sent to the mail contact or mail user. Valid values are: Mime, Text Mime, Text
ModeratedBy Write StringArray[] The ModeratedBy parameter specifies one or more moderators for this mail contact. A moderator approves messages sent to the mail contact before the messages are delivered. A moderator must be a mailbox, mail user, or mail contact in your organization.
ModerationEnabled Write Boolean The ModerationEnabled parameter specifies whether moderation is enabled for this recipient.
OrganizationalUnit Write String The OrganizationalUnit parameter specifies the location in Active Directory where the new contact is created.
SendModerationNotifications Write String The SendModerationNotifications parameter specifies when moderation notification messages are sent. Valid values are: ALways, Internal, Never Always, Internal, Never
UsePreferMessageFormat Write Boolean The UsePreferMessageFormat specifies whether the message format settings configured for the mail user or mail contact override the global settings configured for the remote domain or configured by the message sender
CustomAttribute1 Write String The CustomAttribute1 parameter specifies the value of the CustomAttribute1
CustomAttribute2 Write String The CustomAttribute2 parameter specifies the value of the CustomAttribute2
CustomAttribute3 Write String The CustomAttribute3 parameter specifies the value of the CustomAttribute3
CustomAttribute4 Write String The CustomAttribute4 parameter specifies the value of the CustomAttribute4
CustomAttribute5 Write String The CustomAttribute5 parameter specifies the value of the CustomAttribute5
CustomAttribute6 Write String The CustomAttribute6 parameter specifies the value of the CustomAttribute6
CustomAttribute7 Write String The CustomAttribute7 parameter specifies the value of the CustomAttribute7
CustomAttribute8 Write String The CustomAttribute8 parameter specifies the value of the CustomAttribute8
CustomAttribute9 Write String The CustomAttribute9 parameter specifies the value of the CustomAttribute9
CustomAttribute10 Write String The CustomAttribute10 parameter specifies the value of the CustomAttribute10
CustomAttribute11 Write String The CustomAttribute11 parameter specifies the value of the CustomAttribute11
CustomAttribute12 Write String The CustomAttribute12 parameter specifies the value of the CustomAttribute12
CustomAttribute13 Write String The CustomAttribute13 parameter specifies the value of the CustomAttribute13
CustomAttribute14 Write String The CustomAttribute14 parameter specifies the value of the CustomAttribute14
CustomAttribute15 Write String The CustomAttribute15 parameter specifies the value of the CustomAttribute15
ExtensionCustomAttribute1 Write StringArray[] The ExtensionCustomAttribute1 parameter specifies the value of the ExtensionCustomAttribute1
ExtensionCustomAttribute2 Write StringArray[] The ExtensionCustomAttribute2 parameter specifies the value of the ExtensionCustomAttribute2
ExtensionCustomAttribute3 Write StringArray[] The ExtensionCustomAttribute3 parameter specifies the value of the ExtensionCustomAttribute3
ExtensionCustomAttribute4 Write StringArray[] The ExtensionCustomAttribute4 parameter specifies the value of the ExtensionCustomAttribute4
ExtensionCustomAttribute5 Write StringArray[] The ExtensionCustomAttribute5 parameter specifies the value of the ExtensionCustomAttribute5
Ensure Write String Specifies if this Contact should exist. Present, Absent
Credential Write PSCredential Credentials of the Exchange Global Admin
ApplicationId Write String Id of the Azure Active Directory application to authenticate with.
TenantId Write String Id of the Azure Active Directory tenant used for authentication.
CertificateThumbprint Write String Thumbprint of the Azure Active Directory application's authentication certificate to use for authentication.
CertificatePassword Write PSCredential Username can be made up to anything but password will be used for CertificatePassword
CertificatePath Write String Path to certificate used in service principal usually a PFX file.
ManagedIdentity Write Boolean Managed ID being used for authentication.
AccessTokens Write StringArray[] Access token used for authentication.



This resource configures Exchange Online address lists.



To authenticate with Microsoft Exchange, this resource required the following permissions:


  • Address Lists

Role Groups

  • None


Example 1

This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on. It is not meant to use as a production baseline.

Configuration Example


    Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC

    node localhost
        EXOMailContact 'TestMailContact'
            Alias                       = 'TestMailContact'
            DisplayName                 = 'My Test Contact'
            Ensure                      = 'Present'
            ExternalEmailAddress        = 'SMTP:test@tailspintoys.com'
            MacAttachmentFormat         = 'BinHex'
            MessageBodyFormat           = 'TextAndHtml'
            MessageFormat               = 'Mime'
            ModeratedBy                 = @()
            ModerationEnabled           = $false
            Name                        = 'My Test Contact'
            OrganizationalUnit          = $TenantId
            SendModerationNotifications = 'Always'
            UsePreferMessageFormat      = $true
            CustomAttribute1            = 'Custom Value 1'
            ExtensionCustomAttribute5   = 'Extension Custom Value 1', 'Extension Custom Value 2'
            ApplicationId         = $ApplicationId
            TenantId              = $TenantId
            CertificateThumbprint = $CertificateThumbprint

Example 2

This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on. It is not meant to use as a production baseline.

Configuration Example


    Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC

    node localhost
        EXOMailContact 'TestMailContact'
            Alias                       = 'TestMailContact'
            DisplayName                 = 'My Test Contact'
            Ensure                      = 'Present'
            ExternalEmailAddress        = 'SMTP:test@tailspintoys.com'
            MacAttachmentFormat         = 'BinHex'
            MessageBodyFormat           = 'TextAndHtml'
            MessageFormat               = 'Mime'
            ModeratedBy                 = @()
            ModerationEnabled           = $false
            Name                        = 'My Test Contact'
            OrganizationalUnit          = $TenantId
            SendModerationNotifications = 'Always'
            UsePreferMessageFormat      = $false # Updated Property
            CustomAttribute1            = 'Custom Value 1'
            ExtensionCustomAttribute5   = 'Extension Custom Value 1', 'Extension Custom Value 2'
            ApplicationId         = $ApplicationId
            TenantId              = $TenantId
            CertificateThumbprint = $CertificateThumbprint

Example 3

This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on. It is not meant to use as a production baseline.

Configuration Example


    Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC

    node localhost
        EXOMailContact 'TestMailContact'
            Alias                       = 'TestMailContact'
            DisplayName                 = 'My Test Contact'
            Ensure                      = 'Absent'
            ExternalEmailAddress        = 'SMTP:test@tailspintoys.com'
            Name                        = 'My Test Contact'
            OrganizationalUnit          = $TenantId
            SendModerationNotifications = 'Always'
            UsePreferMessageFormat      = $false # Updated Property
            CustomAttribute1            = 'Custom Value 1'
            ExtensionCustomAttribute5   = 'Extension Custom Value 1', 'Extension Custom Value 2'
            ApplicationId         = $ApplicationId
            TenantId              = $TenantId
            CertificateThumbprint = $CertificateThumbprint