Parameter | Attribute | DataType | Description | Allowed Values |
DisplayName | Key | String | RuleDefinition DisplayName | |
Id | Write | String | Specifies the RoleId. | |
ActivationMaxDuration | Write | String | Activation maximum duration (hours). | |
ActivationReqJustification | Write | Boolean | Require justification on activation (True/False) | |
ActivationReqTicket | Write | Boolean | Require ticket information on activation (True/False) | |
ActivationReqMFA | Write | Boolean | Require MFA on activation (True/False) | |
ApprovaltoActivate | Write | Boolean | Require approval to activate (True/False) | |
ActivateApprover | Write | StringArray[] | Approver User UPN and/or Group Displayname | |
PermanentEligibleAssignmentisExpirationRequired | Write | Boolean | Allow permanent eligible assignment (True/False) | |
ExpireEligibleAssignment | Write | String | Expire eligible assignments after (Days) | |
PermanentActiveAssignmentisExpirationRequired | Write | Boolean | Allow permanent active assignment (True/False) | |
ExpireActiveAssignment | Write | String | Expire active assignments after (Days) | |
AssignmentReqMFA | Write | Boolean | Require Azure Multi-Factor Authentication on active assignment (True/False) | |
AssignmentReqJustification | Write | Boolean | Require justification on active assignment (True/False) | |
ElegibilityAssignmentReqMFA | Write | Boolean | Require Azure Multi-Factor Authentication on eligible assignment (True/False) | |
ElegibilityAssignmentReqJustification | Write | Boolean | Require justification on eligible assignment (True/False) | |
EligibleAlertNotificationDefaultRecipient | Write | Boolean | Send notifications when members are assigned as eligible to this role: Role assignment alert, default recipient (True/False) | |
EligibleAlertNotificationAdditionalRecipient | Write | StringArray[] | Send notifications when members are assigned as eligible to this role: Role assignment alert, additional recipient (UPN) | |
EligibleAlertNotificationOnlyCritical | Write | Boolean | Send notifications when members are assigned as eligible to this role: Role assignment alert, only critical Email (True/False) | |
EligibleAssigneeNotificationDefaultRecipient | Write | Boolean | Send notifications when members are assigned as eligible to this role: Notification to the assigned user (assignee), default recipient (True/False) | |
EligibleAssigneeNotificationAdditionalRecipient | Write | StringArray[] | Send notifications when members are assigned as eligible to this role: Notification to the assigned user (assignee), additional recipient (UPN) | |
EligibleAssigneeNotificationOnlyCritical | Write | Boolean | Send notifications when members are assigned as eligible to this role: Notification to the assigned user (assignee), only critical Email (True/False) | |
EligibleApproveNotificationDefaultRecipient | Write | Boolean | Send notifications when members are assigned as eligible to this role: Request to approve a role assignment renewal/extension, default recipient (True/False) | |
EligibleApproveNotificationAdditionalRecipient | Write | StringArray[] | Send notifications when members are assigned as eligible to this role: Request to approve a role assignment renewal/extension, additional recipient (UPN) | |
EligibleApproveNotificationOnlyCritical | Write | Boolean | Send notifications when members are assigned as eligible to this role: Request to approve a role assignment renewal/extension, only critical Email (True/False) | |
ActiveAlertNotificationDefaultRecipient | Write | Boolean | Send notifications when members are assigned as active to this role: Role assignment alert, default recipient (True/False) | |
ActiveAlertNotificationAdditionalRecipient | Write | StringArray[] | Send notifications when members are assigned as active to this role: Role assignment alert, additional recipient (UPN) | |
ActiveAlertNotificationOnlyCritical | Write | Boolean | Send notifications when members are assigned as active to this role: Role assignment alert, only critical Email (True/False) | |
ActiveAssigneeNotificationDefaultRecipient | Write | Boolean | Send notifications when members are assigned as active to this role: Notification to the assigned user (assignee), default recipient (True/False) | |
ActiveAssigneeNotificationAdditionalRecipient | Write | StringArray[] | Send notifications when members are assigned as active to this role: Notification to the assigned user (assignee), additional recipient (UPN) | |
ActiveAssigneeNotificationOnlyCritical | Write | Boolean | Send notifications when members are assigned as active to this role: Notification to the assigned user (assignee), only critical Email (True/False) | |
ActiveApproveNotificationDefaultRecipient | Write | Boolean | Send notifications when members are assigned as active to this role: Request to approve a role assignment renewal/extension, default recipient (True/False) | |
ActiveApproveNotificationAdditionalRecipient | Write | StringArray[] | Send notifications when members are assigned as active to this role: Request to approve a role assignment renewal/extension, additional recipient (UPN) | |
ActiveApproveNotificationOnlyCritical | Write | Boolean | Send notifications when members are assigned as active to this role: Request to approve a role assignment renewal/extension, only critical Email (True/False) | |
EligibleAssignmentAlertNotificationDefaultRecipient | Write | Boolean | Send notifications when eligible members activate this role: Role assignment alert, default recipient (True/False) | |
EligibleAssignmentAlertNotificationAdditionalRecipient | Write | StringArray[] | Send notifications when eligible members activate this role: Role assignment alert, additional recipient (UPN) | |
EligibleAssignmentAlertNotificationOnlyCritical | Write | Boolean | Send notifications when eligible members activate this role: Role assignment alert, only critical Email (True/False) | |
EligibleAssignmentAssigneeNotificationDefaultRecipient | Write | Boolean | Send notifications when eligible members activate this role: Notification to activated user (requestor), default recipient (True/False) | |
EligibleAssignmentAssigneeNotificationAdditionalRecipient | Write | StringArray[] | Send notifications when eligible members activate this role: Notification to activated user (requestor), additional recipient (UPN) | |
EligibleAssignmentAssigneeNotificationOnlyCritical | Write | Boolean | Send notifications when eligible members activate this role: Notification to activated user (requestor), only critical Email (True/False) | |
AuthenticationContextRequired | Write | Boolean | Authorization context is required (True/False) | |
AuthenticationContextName | Write | String | Descriptive name of associated authorization context | |
AuthenticationContextId | Write | String | Authorization context id | |
Ensure | Write | String | Specify if the Azure AD role setting should exist or not. | Present |
Credential | Write | PSCredential | Credentials for the Microsoft Graph delegated permissions. | |
ApplicationId | Write | String | Id of the Azure Active Directory application to authenticate with. | |
TenantId | Write | String | Id of the Azure Active Directory tenant used for authentication. | |
ApplicationSecret | Write | PSCredential | Secret of the Azure Active Directory application to authenticate with. | |
CertificateThumbprint | Write | String | Thumbprint of the Azure Active Directory application's authentication certificate to use for authentication. | |
ManagedIdentity | Write | Boolean | Managed ID being used for authentication. | |
AccessTokens | Write | StringArray[] | Access token used for authentication. |
This resource configure existing Azure roles. All UI parameters can be configured using this resource like: - Notifications - require approval / ticket / justification / MFA
Microsoft Graph¶
To authenticate with the Microsoft Graph API, this resource required the following permissions:
Delegated permissions¶
- Group.Read.All, RoleManagementPolicy.Read.Directory, User.Read.All
- Group.Read.All, RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory, User.Read.All
Application permissions¶
- Group.Read.All, RoleManagement.Read.Directory, User.Read.All
- Group.Read.All, RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory, User.Read.All
Example 1¶
This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on. It is not meant to use as a production baseline.
Configuration Example
Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC
Node localhost
AADRoleSetting 28b253d8-cde5-471f-a331-fe7320023cdd
ActivateApprover = @();
ActivationMaxDuration = "PT8H";
ActivationReqJustification = $False; # Updated Property
ActivationReqMFA = $False;
ActivationReqTicket = $False;
ActiveAlertNotificationAdditionalRecipient = @();
ActiveAlertNotificationDefaultRecipient = $True;
ActiveAlertNotificationOnlyCritical = $False;
ActiveApproveNotificationAdditionalRecipient = @();
ActiveApproveNotificationDefaultRecipient = $True;
ActiveApproveNotificationOnlyCritical = $False;
ActiveAssigneeNotificationAdditionalRecipient = @();
ActiveAssigneeNotificationDefaultRecipient = $True;
ActiveAssigneeNotificationOnlyCritical = $False;
ApprovaltoActivate = $False;
AssignmentReqJustification = $True;
AssignmentReqMFA = $False;
Displayname = "Application Administrator";
ElegibilityAssignmentReqJustification = $False;
ElegibilityAssignmentReqMFA = $False;
EligibleAlertNotificationAdditionalRecipient = @();
EligibleAlertNotificationDefaultRecipient = $True;
EligibleAlertNotificationOnlyCritical = $False;
EligibleApproveNotificationAdditionalRecipient = @();
EligibleApproveNotificationDefaultRecipient = $True;
EligibleApproveNotificationOnlyCritical = $False;
EligibleAssigneeNotificationAdditionalRecipient = @();
EligibleAssigneeNotificationDefaultRecipient = $True;
EligibleAssigneeNotificationOnlyCritical = $False;
EligibleAssignmentAlertNotificationAdditionalRecipient = @();
EligibleAssignmentAlertNotificationDefaultRecipient = $True;
EligibleAssignmentAlertNotificationOnlyCritical = $False;
EligibleAssignmentAssigneeNotificationAdditionalRecipient = @();
EligibleAssignmentAssigneeNotificationDefaultRecipient = $True;
EligibleAssignmentAssigneeNotificationOnlyCritical = $False;
ExpireActiveAssignment = "P180D";
ExpireEligibleAssignment = "P365D";
PermanentActiveAssignmentisExpirationRequired = $False;
PermanentEligibleAssignmentisExpirationRequired = $False;
ApplicationId = $ApplicationId
TenantId = $TenantId
CertificateThumbprint = $CertificateThumbprint
Ensure = 'Present'