

Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
DisplayName Key String RuleDefinition DisplayName
Id Write String Specifies the RoleId.
ActivationMaxDuration Write String Activation maximum duration (hours).
ActivationReqJustification Write Boolean Require justification on activation (True/False)
ActivationReqTicket Write Boolean Require ticket information on activation (True/False)
ActivationReqMFA Write Boolean Require MFA on activation (True/False)
ApprovaltoActivate Write Boolean Require approval to activate (True/False)
ActivateApprover Write StringArray[] Approver User UPN and/or Group Displayname
PermanentEligibleAssignmentisExpirationRequired Write Boolean Allow permanent eligible assignment (True/False)
ExpireEligibleAssignment Write String Expire eligible assignments after (Days)
PermanentActiveAssignmentisExpirationRequired Write Boolean Allow permanent active assignment (True/False)
ExpireActiveAssignment Write String Expire active assignments after (Days)
AssignmentReqMFA Write Boolean Require Azure Multi-Factor Authentication on active assignment (True/False)
AssignmentReqJustification Write Boolean Require justification on active assignment (True/False)
ElegibilityAssignmentReqMFA Write Boolean Require Azure Multi-Factor Authentication on eligible assignment (True/False)
ElegibilityAssignmentReqJustification Write Boolean Require justification on eligible assignment (True/False)
EligibleAlertNotificationDefaultRecipient Write Boolean Send notifications when members are assigned as eligible to this role: Role assignment alert, default recipient (True/False)
EligibleAlertNotificationAdditionalRecipient Write StringArray[] Send notifications when members are assigned as eligible to this role: Role assignment alert, additional recipient (UPN)
EligibleAlertNotificationOnlyCritical Write Boolean Send notifications when members are assigned as eligible to this role: Role assignment alert, only critical Email (True/False)
EligibleAssigneeNotificationDefaultRecipient Write Boolean Send notifications when members are assigned as eligible to this role: Notification to the assigned user (assignee), default recipient (True/False)
EligibleAssigneeNotificationAdditionalRecipient Write StringArray[] Send notifications when members are assigned as eligible to this role: Notification to the assigned user (assignee), additional recipient (UPN)
EligibleAssigneeNotificationOnlyCritical Write Boolean Send notifications when members are assigned as eligible to this role: Notification to the assigned user (assignee), only critical Email (True/False)
EligibleApproveNotificationDefaultRecipient Write Boolean Send notifications when members are assigned as eligible to this role: Request to approve a role assignment renewal/extension, default recipient (True/False)
EligibleApproveNotificationAdditionalRecipient Write StringArray[] Send notifications when members are assigned as eligible to this role: Request to approve a role assignment renewal/extension, additional recipient (UPN)
EligibleApproveNotificationOnlyCritical Write Boolean Send notifications when members are assigned as eligible to this role: Request to approve a role assignment renewal/extension, only critical Email (True/False)
ActiveAlertNotificationDefaultRecipient Write Boolean Send notifications when members are assigned as active to this role: Role assignment alert, default recipient (True/False)
ActiveAlertNotificationAdditionalRecipient Write StringArray[] Send notifications when members are assigned as active to this role: Role assignment alert, additional recipient (UPN)
ActiveAlertNotificationOnlyCritical Write Boolean Send notifications when members are assigned as active to this role: Role assignment alert, only critical Email (True/False)
ActiveAssigneeNotificationDefaultRecipient Write Boolean Send notifications when members are assigned as active to this role: Notification to the assigned user (assignee), default recipient (True/False)
ActiveAssigneeNotificationAdditionalRecipient Write StringArray[] Send notifications when members are assigned as active to this role: Notification to the assigned user (assignee), additional recipient (UPN)
ActiveAssigneeNotificationOnlyCritical Write Boolean Send notifications when members are assigned as active to this role: Notification to the assigned user (assignee), only critical Email (True/False)
ActiveApproveNotificationDefaultRecipient Write Boolean Send notifications when members are assigned as active to this role: Request to approve a role assignment renewal/extension, default recipient (True/False)
ActiveApproveNotificationAdditionalRecipient Write StringArray[] Send notifications when members are assigned as active to this role: Request to approve a role assignment renewal/extension, additional recipient (UPN)
ActiveApproveNotificationOnlyCritical Write Boolean Send notifications when members are assigned as active to this role: Request to approve a role assignment renewal/extension, only critical Email (True/False)
EligibleAssignmentAlertNotificationDefaultRecipient Write Boolean Send notifications when eligible members activate this role: Role assignment alert, default recipient (True/False)
EligibleAssignmentAlertNotificationAdditionalRecipient Write StringArray[] Send notifications when eligible members activate this role: Role assignment alert, additional recipient (UPN)
EligibleAssignmentAlertNotificationOnlyCritical Write Boolean Send notifications when eligible members activate this role: Role assignment alert, only critical Email (True/False)
EligibleAssignmentAssigneeNotificationDefaultRecipient Write Boolean Send notifications when eligible members activate this role: Notification to activated user (requestor), default recipient (True/False)
EligibleAssignmentAssigneeNotificationAdditionalRecipient Write StringArray[] Send notifications when eligible members activate this role: Notification to activated user (requestor), additional recipient (UPN)
EligibleAssignmentAssigneeNotificationOnlyCritical Write Boolean Send notifications when eligible members activate this role: Notification to activated user (requestor), only critical Email (True/False)
AuthenticationContextRequired Write Boolean Authorization context is required (True/False)
AuthenticationContextName Write String Descriptive name of associated authorization context
AuthenticationContextId Write String Authorization context id
Ensure Write String Specify if the Azure AD role setting should exist or not. Present
Credential Write PSCredential Credentials for the Microsoft Graph delegated permissions.
ApplicationId Write String Id of the Azure Active Directory application to authenticate with.
TenantId Write String Id of the Azure Active Directory tenant used for authentication.
ApplicationSecret Write PSCredential Secret of the Azure Active Directory application to authenticate with.
CertificateThumbprint Write String Thumbprint of the Azure Active Directory application's authentication certificate to use for authentication.
ManagedIdentity Write Boolean Managed ID being used for authentication.
AccessTokens Write StringArray[] Access token used for authentication.


This resource configure existing Azure roles. All UI parameters can be configured using this resource like: - Notifications - require approval / ticket / justification / MFA


Microsoft Graph

To authenticate with the Microsoft Graph API, this resource required the following permissions:

Delegated permissions

  • Read

    • Group.Read.All, RoleManagementPolicy.Read.Directory, User.Read.All
  • Update

    • Group.Read.All, RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory, User.Read.All

Application permissions

  • Read

    • Group.Read.All, RoleManagement.Read.Directory, User.Read.All
  • Update

    • Group.Read.All, RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory, User.Read.All


Example 1

This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on. It is not meant to use as a production baseline.

Configuration Example


    Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC

    Node localhost
        AADRoleSetting 28b253d8-cde5-471f-a331-fe7320023cdd
            ActivateApprover                                          = @();
            ActivationMaxDuration                                     = "PT8H";
            ActivationReqJustification                                = $False; # Updated Property
            ActivationReqMFA                                          = $False;
            ActivationReqTicket                                       = $False;
            ActiveAlertNotificationAdditionalRecipient                = @();
            ActiveAlertNotificationDefaultRecipient                   = $True;
            ActiveAlertNotificationOnlyCritical                       = $False;
            ActiveApproveNotificationAdditionalRecipient              = @();
            ActiveApproveNotificationDefaultRecipient                 = $True;
            ActiveApproveNotificationOnlyCritical                     = $False;
            ActiveAssigneeNotificationAdditionalRecipient             = @();
            ActiveAssigneeNotificationDefaultRecipient                = $True;
            ActiveAssigneeNotificationOnlyCritical                    = $False;
            ApprovaltoActivate                                        = $False;
            AssignmentReqJustification                                = $True;
            AssignmentReqMFA                                          = $False;
            Displayname                                               = "Application Administrator";
            ElegibilityAssignmentReqJustification                     = $False;
            ElegibilityAssignmentReqMFA                               = $False;
            EligibleAlertNotificationAdditionalRecipient              = @();
            EligibleAlertNotificationDefaultRecipient                 = $True;
            EligibleAlertNotificationOnlyCritical                     = $False;
            EligibleApproveNotificationAdditionalRecipient            = @();
            EligibleApproveNotificationDefaultRecipient               = $True;
            EligibleApproveNotificationOnlyCritical                   = $False;
            EligibleAssigneeNotificationAdditionalRecipient           = @();
            EligibleAssigneeNotificationDefaultRecipient              = $True;
            EligibleAssigneeNotificationOnlyCritical                  = $False;
            EligibleAssignmentAlertNotificationAdditionalRecipient    = @();
            EligibleAssignmentAlertNotificationDefaultRecipient       = $True;
            EligibleAssignmentAlertNotificationOnlyCritical           = $False;
            EligibleAssignmentAssigneeNotificationAdditionalRecipient = @();
            EligibleAssignmentAssigneeNotificationDefaultRecipient    = $True;
            EligibleAssignmentAssigneeNotificationOnlyCritical        = $False;
            ExpireActiveAssignment                                    = "P180D";
            ExpireEligibleAssignment                                  = "P365D";
            PermanentActiveAssignmentisExpirationRequired             = $False;
            PermanentEligibleAssignmentisExpirationRequired           = $False;
            ApplicationId         = $ApplicationId
            TenantId              = $TenantId
            CertificateThumbprint = $CertificateThumbprint
            Ensure                                                    = 'Present'