

Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
DisplayName Key String Specifies the Display Name of the Workflow
Description Write String Description of the Workflow
Category Write String Category of the Workflow
IsEnabled Write Boolean Indicates if the Workflow is enabled
IsSchedulingEnabled Write Boolean Indicates if scheduling is enabled for the Workflow
Tasks Write MSFT_AADIdentityGovernanceTask[] Tasks associated with this workflow
ExecutionConditions Write MSFT_IdentityGovernanceWorkflowExecutionConditions ExecutionConditions for this workflow
Ensure Write String Present ensures the instance exists, absent ensures it is removed. Absent, Present
Credential Write PSCredential Credentials of the workload's Admin
ApplicationId Write String Id of the Azure Active Directory application to authenticate with.
TenantId Write String Id of the Azure Active Directory tenant used for authentication.
CertificateThumbprint Write String Thumbprint of the Azure Active Directory application's authentication certificate to use for authentication.
ManagedIdentity Write Boolean Managed ID being used for authentication.
AccessTokens Write StringArray[] Access token used for authentication.



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
OdataType Write String The @odata.type for the Scope.
Rule Write String The rule associated with the Scope.



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
OdataType Write String The @odata.type for the Trigger.
TimeBasedAttribute Write String The time-based attribute for the Trigger.
OffsetInDays Write SInt32 The offset in days for the Trigger.



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
OdataType Write String The @odata.type for the Workflow Execution Conditions.
ScopeValue Write MSFT_IdentityGovernanceScope The scope for the Workflow Execution Conditions.
TriggerValue Write MSFT_IdentityGovernanceTrigger The trigger for the Workflow Execution Conditions.



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
Name Key String The name of the key
Value Write String The value associated with the key



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
DisplayName Write String Specifies the display name of the Workflow Task
Description Write String Description of the Workflow Task
Category Write String Category of the Workflow Task
IsEnabled Write Boolean Indicates if the Workflow Task is enabled or not
ExecutionSequence Write SInt32 The sequence in which the task is executed
ContinueOnError Write Boolean Specifies whether the task should continue on error
TaskDefinitionId Write String ID of the task definition associated with this Workflow Task
Arguments Write MSFT_AADIdentityGovernanceTaskArguments[] Arguments for the Workflow Task


Use this resource to manage Lifecycle workflows.


Microsoft Graph

To authenticate with the Microsoft Graph API, this resource required the following permissions:

Delegated permissions

  • Read

    • LifecycleWorkflows.Read.All
  • Update

    • LifecycleWorkflows.ReadWrite.All

Application permissions

  • Read

    • LifecycleWorkflows.Read.All
  • Update

    • LifecycleWorkflows.ReadWrite.All


Example 1

This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on. It is not meant to use as a production baseline.

Configuration Example


    Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC
    node localhost
        AADIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflow "AADIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflow-Onboard pre-hire employee updated version"
            Category             = "joiner";
            Description          = "Description the onboard of prehire employee";
            DisplayName          = "Onboard pre-hire employee updated version";
            Ensure               = "Present";
            ExecutionConditions  = MSFT_IdentityGovernanceWorkflowExecutionConditions {
                ScopeValue = MSFT_IdentityGovernanceScope {
                    Rule = '(not (country eq ''Brazil''))'
                    ODataType = '#microsoft.graph.identityGovernance.ruleBasedSubjectSet'
                TriggerValue = MSFT_IdentityGovernanceTrigger {
                    OffsetInDays = 4
                    TimeBasedAttribute = 'employeeHireDate'
                    ODataType = '#microsoft.graph.identityGovernance.timeBasedAttributeTrigger'
                ODataType = '#microsoft.graph.identityGovernance.triggerAndScopeBasedConditions'
            IsEnabled            = $True;
            IsSchedulingEnabled  = $False;
            Tasks                = @(
                MSFT_AADIdentityGovernanceTask {
                    DisplayName       = 'Add user to groups'
                    Description       = 'Add user to selected groups'
                    Category          = 'joiner,leaver,mover'
                    IsEnabled         = $True
                    ExecutionSequence = 1
                    ContinueOnError   = $True
                    TaskDefinitionId   = '22085229-5809-45e8-97fd-270d28d66910'
                    Arguments         = @(
                        MSFT_AADIdentityGovernanceTaskArguments {
                            Name  = 'groupID'
                            Value = '7ad01e00-8c3a-42a6-baaf-39f2390b2565'
            ApplicationId         = $ApplicationId
            TenantId              = $TenantId
            CertificateThumbprint = $CertificateThumbprint

Example 2

This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on. It is not meant to use as a production baseline.

Configuration Example


    Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC
    node localhost
        AADIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflow "AADIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflow-Onboard pre-hire employee updated version"
            Category             = "joiner";
            #updated description
            Description          = "Updated description the onboard of prehire employee";
            DisplayName          = "Onboard pre-hire employee updated version";
            Ensure               = "Present";
            ExecutionConditions  = MSFT_IdentityGovernanceWorkflowExecutionConditions {
                ScopeValue = MSFT_IdentityGovernanceScope {
                    #updated rule
                    Rule = '(not (country eq ''America''))'
                    ODataType = '#microsoft.graph.identityGovernance.ruleBasedSubjectSet'
                TriggerValue = MSFT_IdentityGovernanceTrigger {
                    OffsetInDays = 4
                    TimeBasedAttribute = 'employeeHireDate'
                    ODataType = '#microsoft.graph.identityGovernance.timeBasedAttributeTrigger'
                ODataType = '#microsoft.graph.identityGovernance.triggerAndScopeBasedConditions'
            IsEnabled            = $True;
            IsSchedulingEnabled  = $False;
            Tasks                = @(
                MSFT_AADIdentityGovernanceTask {
                    DisplayName       = 'Add user to groups'
                    #updated description
                    Description       = 'Add user to selected groups updated'
                    Category          = 'joiner,leaver,mover'
                    IsEnabled         = $True
                    ExecutionSequence = 1
                    ContinueOnError   = $True
                    TaskDefinitionId   = '22085229-5809-45e8-97fd-270d28d66910'
                    Arguments         = @(
                        MSFT_AADIdentityGovernanceTaskArguments {
                            Name  = 'groupID'
                            Value = '7ad01e00-8c3a-42a6-baaf-39f2390b2565'
            ApplicationId         = $ApplicationId
            TenantId              = $TenantId
            CertificateThumbprint = $CertificateThumbprint

Example 3

This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on. It is not meant to use as a production baseline.

Configuration Example


    Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC
    node localhost
        AADIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflow "AADIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflow-Onboard pre-hire employee updated version"
            Category             = "joiner";
            Description          = "Updated description the onboard of prehire employee";
            DisplayName          = "Onboard pre-hire employee updated version";
            Ensure               = "Absent";
            ExecutionConditions  = MSFT_IdentityGovernanceWorkflowExecutionConditions {
                ScopeValue = MSFT_IdentityGovernanceScope {
                    Rule = '(not (country eq ''America''))'
                    ODataType = '#microsoft.graph.identityGovernance.ruleBasedSubjectSet'
                TriggerValue = MSFT_IdentityGovernanceTrigger {
                    OffsetInDays = 4
                    TimeBasedAttribute = 'employeeHireDate'
                    ODataType = '#microsoft.graph.identityGovernance.timeBasedAttributeTrigger'
                ODataType = '#microsoft.graph.identityGovernance.triggerAndScopeBasedConditions'
            IsEnabled            = $True;
            IsSchedulingEnabled  = $False;
            Tasks                = @(
                MSFT_AADIdentityGovernanceTask {
                    DisplayName       = 'Add user to groups'
                    Description       = 'Add user to selected groups updated'
                    Category          = 'joiner,leaver,mover'
                    IsEnabled         = $True
                    ExecutionSequence = 1
                    ContinueOnError   = $True
                    TaskDefinitionId   = '22085229-5809-45e8-97fd-270d28d66910'
                    Arguments         = @(
                        MSFT_AADIdentityGovernanceTaskArguments {
                            Name  = 'groupID'
                            Value = '7ad01e00-8c3a-42a6-baaf-39f2390b2565'
            ApplicationId         = $ApplicationId
            TenantId              = $TenantId
            CertificateThumbprint = $CertificateThumbprint